Quirky Stickers for Your Everyday Use

3 min readMar 31, 2022


As little children, we never got to see any adults doing anything fun with their belongings and it was mostly kids pasting stickers on any surface of their choice. Life is too short to spend it worrying about what people are going to think about our life choices. Why not get reckless and do what we enjoy? Why should we let that inner child inside us die with boredom and a mundane life? Go ahead and buy yourself some stickers online. That too, when they are of much better quality than the ones you had during your childhood days. There were not much choices available in those days and we had to settle with whatever was available at the shops and in the market. There is no need to settle for less now because sticker printing is possible now.

You might not realize it but purchasing Custom stickers online in India will save you a lot of money and protect you from a lot of trouble. If you are someone who has just learned driving, then how do you plan to get away every time you make a minor mistake on the road? Like forgetting to give an indicator or not turning your vehicle on time. Such a situation calls for a personalized sticker with L (still learning/only have a learner’s permit) pasted on your vehicle. It will make other drivers around you understand that they need to cut you some slack. Thus, preventing you from getting scolded from a lot of people on the road. If you have washrooms in your office still unmarked with symbols of Men and Women, then it is high time that you get stickers printed from an online printing store like Printland.in to make that distinction known as soon as possible to avoid embarrassing situations.

With the new found technology to be able to create custom stickers online, the possibility of using them other than for mere decoration purposes has changed. Earlier they were only meant for kids but now, their usage has expanded and so has their clientele. All of us have used stickers for our school notebooks to write crucial details regarding us like, name, class, and class section, subject, roll number and school’s name. Students still paste these stickers on their notebooks but they are available with some personalization now. You can add your face on these cute little stickers and it will complete your details section. How wonderful is that?

Some people like to stick them outside their rooms to keep unwanted visitors from entering their private zone. Some mobile brands send stickers with their new phones for their users to paste them over their phones or wherever they like. Such promotional items are a good way to create your presence in the market. If your company has similar plans, then you can enquire about them and other such products on Printland’s phone number 011–42222888. They have some fabulous corporate gift combos and you can also enquire about bulk ordering of such items at their WhatsApp number 8448498154. You can also write to them on their mail id contactus@printland.in to know about their products in details.

