Instructions for God’s ARMY.

Jasmine Whiting
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


What’s ahead this year has the force of a tempest like storm. I heard the Lord say this blow will cause historical destruction, which has not been seen before and His children are not ready.

The impact of what’s ahead will cause chaos and a debilitating level fear.

Despite this I heard the Lord as Judge release the verdict!


There are many who have received their commissioning. They have enlisted in God’s army and know they are fashioned for war time exploits in His Kingdom!

We’ve transitioned from fearful and anxious to a refined awareness of the sovereignty and supremacy of our God (Psalm 24).

A few years ago the Lord had to gather me up because I wanted to be a civilian so bad. I ain’t want any responsibility in His company.

My posture was to be one who was at attention, as a soldier. God has further instructions for those who have said yes.

This is what I heard the lord say to His army

Instruction: These next few months will be full of training opportunities. Do not see trial, do not see testing, do not see discouragement in the same way that you saw it before.

See it as an opportunity for training. I am training you. What’s ahead is training. I am training sons and daughters for war. Training sons and daughters for war. You will know what to do. You will know how to move. You will know how to maneuver. You will know how to attack. You will know the play. You will see the field, you will see the tactics. For every tactic there is a play, just like in my word– for the spirit of heaviness there is the garment of praise, that is a play! So get in my book. Get in my rule book. Find the plays, lay out the plays, prepare the soldiers. Find the plays, lay out the plays and prepare the soldiers.

What this means for you

  • Discern the trials, testing and areas of struggle you may experience ahead as TRAINING.
  • God wants you to know how to maneuver obstacles, stumbling blocks and distraction efforts set up by demonic armies.
  • This training will enable you with insight and a new skillset.
  • The tactics the enemy has planned are being exposed by the Captain of the Lord’s armies.
  • God is giving revelation of the field as you come up higher. He is giving revelation on the plays as you get in His word.
  • God desires that His army take their positions and help to prepare the soldiers.
  • Seek the Lord for the plays, lay out what is needed to contend in battle and prepare His people.

Prayer Points

  • God would open the eyes of his children to see there are more standing with us than against us.
  • That we are more than conquerors through Jesus.
  • Every weapon being fashioned against the church and the cause of Jesus will not prevail and will not succeed.
  • Praying the army rising up is not afraid of death. Death has no sting or victory over us. Jesus has conquered death. We have eternity to look forward to. We are just passerbys. There is a greater thing ahead of us.
  • God has prepared a place for us. We must willingly forsake our flesh in this time. Learn to be a soldier in the field.
  • The comforts of the Lord look different; it is the brethren, the community, the soldiers.
  • Take on the mindset of a commander and general. May we not miss our appointments or special assignments. May we not miss being in position with the Lord calls for us to be ready at a moment’s notice, to go forth in battle.
  • Bind demonic spirits causing slumber, fear and cowardice.
  • Pray we would rouse ourselves from slumber and be ready to fight/war/receive instructions.
  • Thank the Lord for the commanders, captains and generals in the Lord’s army. Thankful for those who are answering the call to lead. Those who are willing to be choice weapons, those who won’t hinder God from making use of them in the day of battle.
  • The Lord will reveal how to gain strength and build endurance.



Jasmine Whiting

Writing to encourage the body of Christ to remain forever close to their beloved.