Mental Health Issues in Immigrant Communities

Jasmin Rangel
2 min readJul 11, 2022


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The social issue I chose is about the mental health issues that immigrant communities go through. I chose this issue because I am a part of the immigrant community. I am the daughter of immigrant parents, and this issue is something that I have experienced firsthand and have seen many others in the community discuss. Many have discussed that they have anxiety and depression because they fear for their immigrant family. Some of these fears are deportation, facing racism, and xenophobia. The main issue I focus on is that many people who come from immigrant families do not get the help they need for their mental health.

My social issue project is called, Ni de Aquí Ni de Allá. In English this translates to “neither from here nor there.” I chose this saying, because many immigrant communities face identity issues when they integrate with American culture. Many immigrant communities end up being involved in two cultures: their home country’s culture and American culture. When this happens many feel as if they do not fully belong to either culture and do not fit in.

For Ni de Aquí Ni de Allá I created an original logo for my organization. I made a website where I searched and posted many articles on information on mental illness in immigrants. I also searched and posted links to health resources and GoFundMe pages that I believe are helpful. I created a Facebook page and a Twitter page where I posted some posters that I created with helpful information. All of these are linked below.

