Spanners Have Something To Teach All Of Us

Jason Hope
4 min readSep 30, 2020


In general, humans live about eighty years. Some people have been known to reach a hundred. Others die after half that span. Over the course of human history, people have sought ways to live longer. Some people became famous for it. Explorer Juan Ponce de León went to Florida to look for the famed fountain of youth. Others have sought out elixirs promising long life with a single cup. The search to extend the human lifespan cut across ages and cultures. All over the globe, people wanted a longer life. Over time, these people became known by a specific term: spanners.

Photo by Collin Hardy on Unsplash

The Dream

Spanners are those who think it is possible for a great many humans to live longer. Some even believe it possible for people to live forever. Spanners have been hailed, admired, and often widely condemned. On the surface, the very idea of longevity might seem a pipedream. If humans have sought out anti-aging potions for so long, why haven’t they found them yet? Yet we sit here in the middle of amazing marvels. Humans can fly anywhere in less than two days. People can communicate with others all over the globe instantly. The modern world is an incredible place. Under these circumstances, it is not surprising spanners might be on to something.

So What Exactly Is Spanning?

The term spanning includes a great many things that you might do. Many people engage in spanning activities all the time without knowing it. Spanners are those who are actively involved in activities that aim to help them live a longer, healthier life. If you exercise each day in hopes that it will add life to your years, you’re a spanner. If you lift weights a few times a week, you’re also doing just as Juan Ponce de León did. The goal is the same. You want to do things that have the possibility of extending your natural lifespan. Someone might simply want to enjoy the warm autumn sun and they stroll. The other person is walking at a faster rate. They hope it will up their heart rate and leave for a stronger heart muscle. Only the second person in this scenario is a spanner. Spanners are everywhere people look today.

Making Choices

Some people are doing what they like without giving a formal name to it. Others, like Liz Parrish and David Sinclair, know what they’re doing and are doing it deliberately. They are actively seeking out information about longevity. They are looking for information about how to extend the human lifespan beyond what is thought possible right now by many experts. They hear what experts have to say and think carefully about what advice is likely to work. They actively consume advice. A person might jog to relax. The spanner knows jogging can make them live longer. The same is true of those who consume supplements like resveratrol. Maybe you’d like to be one of them. Perhaps you’re looking for ways to expand your natural lifespan. Guess what? You’re a spanner.

A Multifaced Approach

One of the best things about being a spanner is there are so many ways to make this happen. Some spanners look to the integration of technology directly into human biology. This movement is known as transhumanism. They see the present human body as inherently limited. Moving past those fleshly limitations can offer a way into immortality. Others are biohackers. Biohackers also look to technology. However, they aim for goals that are easier to obtain right now. A biohacker might use tech to lose weight or get better sleep.

Is It Safe?

Spanning might seem as if it has risks. Why devote time to something that might not work? Yet those who engage in these activities know doing nothing also has risks. Spanning doesn’t have to be radical to be effective. For example, adhering to a regular sleep schedule can add life to your years. Yet it’s fairly easy to get it done. Running on a routine basis is another thing that can help. The majority of the world’s population will face at least one chronic disease as they age. Most people will get cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Spanners know the evidence on this clear. Being proactive in doing activities like walking fast or taking certain medications has advantages. Even if someone sprains an ankle they can still go back to running. Working hard to recover will pay off in the long term.

The Future

We know a lot right now. In fact, we know more about extending longevity than we ever have before. Research has repeatedly shown some things work. People who exercise, get good sleep, and eat well tend to live longer. These are things everyone can do right now.

What’s truly amazing is what is likely to happen in the immediate future. New discoveries are being made all the time. Anti-aging organizations like SENS and The Buck Institution are less than half a century old. Funding is out there along with expert advice. Doctors have begun to include women in their studies. They’re also using random, controlled trials that hold great promise. More research is likely. Amazing results might be just around the corner. Now is the time to research this subject. A few simple, easy changes might be what it takes to expand your own individual lifespan.

