Jason Jaquays-Tarbox
1 min readJun 20, 2024


Is Fasted Cardio Actually Good?

Cardio workouts are a staple in fitness routines. They are known for enhancing cardiovascular health, boosting endurance, and aiding in fat loss.

However, the timing of these workouts, mainly whether to do them in a fasted state, has sparked considerable debate. Fasted cardio, or performing cardiovascular exercise on an empty stomach, is a practice that has intrigued both fitness enthusiasts and researchers alike.

In this article, we delve into the science behind fasted cardio, its potential benefits, and whether it might suit you to incorporate into your fitness regimen.

The Concept Behind Fasted Cardio Proponents of fasted cardio argue that performing cardio first thing in the morning before eating forces the body to use stored fat for energy, potentially enhancing fat loss.

This idea gained significant attention from Bill Phillips’ 1999 book, Body-For-Life, which recommended three 20-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions a week, performed first thing in the morning. The book’s popularity led fitness enthusiasts to adopt fasted cardio widely.


