How to Block YouTube on Mac or Set A Time Limit for It

Jason B.
5 min readJul 21, 2020

If you are asking the question of how to block YouTube on Mac, then this guide can help. YouTube is one of the best websites to spend time on. However, if you find yourself addicted to YouTube, it may be a good idea to limit your time on it. Parents can block YouTube for children permanently or at certain times, which can help limit screen time.

How to block YouTube on Mac? Generally, there are two common methods. For macOS 10.15 and later, Screen Time is available. Built-in to the OS, it can block access to YouTube. Another method is to use third-party tools like Cisdem AppCrypt for Mac. AppCrypt supports macOS 10.10 and later, including macOS 10.15 Catalina, and is easier to use. So let’s start with this method.

Method 1. How to block YouTube on Mac with AppCrypt

You can easily block access to YouTube on Mac using Cisdem AppCrypt, the best website blocker and app locker for Mac.

  • Block websites such as YouTube on Safari, Chrome, etc.
  • Offer 2 modes: Blocklist & Allowlist
  • Lock apps on Mac with password
  • Record failed attempts to open locked apps
  • Let you block websites and lock apps during certain times with Schedule
  • No password, no access
  • Require password to quit or uninstall AppCrypt
  • Block distracting, inappropriate or other unwanted websites
  • Protect sensitive apps on Mac
  • Help you boost productivity, limit screen time and protect privacy

Step 1. Download Cisdem AppCrypt from the official download link. Install the tool and open it. You will be asked to set a password.

If you want to use this tool for self-control and productivity, you can ask a trusted one to set the password for you without you knowing the password. This can prevent you from unblocking YouTube or quitting the blocker itself.

Step 2. AppCrypt’s icon will appear in the menu bar at the top of your Mac’s screen. Click the icon and choose Open Main Window.

Click WebBlock.

Step 3. In the Preferences window that appears, you are under the WebBlock tab. To block YouTube on Mac, click the small plus icon in the bottom left corner and enter the YouTube website. Hit the Return or Enter key. Now the website is in the Blocklist. YouTube is blocked.

If needed, you can switch from the Blocklist mode (default) to the Allowlist mode.

Once YouTube is blocked, you won’t be able to visit it anymore. If you try it, the website won’t open, and you will see an image as the one below.

To unblock YouTube, you have two options.

  • Under the WebBlock tab, select the website and click the small minus icon. It won’t be blocked anymore unless you add it back to the Blocklist again.
  • You can also choose to unblock it temporarily. To do this, click the tool’s icon in the top menu bar and click Disable WebBlock. The blocking will continue if you click Enable WebBlock.

If there is also a YouTube app installed on your Mac, you can use the same tool to block access to it. Just lock it up with password. In AppCrypt, click Add App in the corner. From the Applications folder, select the YouTube app and click Add. It will be locked immediately.

The tool will take a picture of the person who tries to open a locked app and enters the wrong password. The picture in this screenshot is blurred for privacy.


How to limit YouTube time on Mac? Here’s a tip.

In the main window, click Menu and choose Preferences. Choose the Schedule tab. Select YouTube from the list on the left and click the Setting button in the corner. Now click the plus icon and create a recurring schedule. If needed, you can create multiple schedules. Click OK to save your settings.

AppCrypt is powerful and very easy to use. It supports various macOS versions. The blocking and the scheduling support multiple web browsers such as Chrome and Safari.

Method 2. How to block YouTube on Mac with Screen Time

To block YouTube on Safari Mac, you can also use the built-in solution Screen Time. Screen Time offers a number of features and can be used to block websites.

Step 1. Open Screen Time. You can find it in System Preferences or using Spotlight search.

Step 2. If it’s not turned on, you need to turn it on first. Click Options in the bottom left corner. Click Turn on.

Step 3. In the same interface, enable Use Screen Time Passcode. Create a passcode and confirm it.

Step 4. Under the first (Content) tab, enable Limit Adult Websites. Despite the name of this option, it can actually be used to block any website you add to its list. Click Customize.

Step 5. In the new interface that shows up, go to the Restricted section. To block YouTube on Mac, add its domain to the Restricted list. Click OK.

Likewise, it’s also easy to remove a website from this list.


There are also other methods available when it comes to how to block YouTube on Mac, which won’t be talked about here. If you don’t want to be a YouTube addict, it’s time to start spending less time on it. You can follow the steps above and start blocking now.

