Phase 2 CEOs

Jason Cavnar
1 min readMay 30, 2017


From YCombinator Blog Post: What’s the Second Job of a Startup CEO?

“The transition from “Doer-in-Chief” to “Company-Builder-in-Chief”… “When you’ve been a successful Doer-in-Chief, it’s hard to stop. It’s hard to stop coding, designing product specs, and interacting with customers on a daily basis. It’s hard to stop answering support tickets, doing all the product demos, and debugging the latest build. It’s even hard to delegate the random and sometimes menial tasks that you’ve accumulated over the years because they were “no one’s job.” But you have to stop doing all of these things so that you can safeguard your time for high leverage tasks that only CEOs can do”…

“During a management meeting at Pixar, I once heard Steve Jobs say, “When I’m at my best, 50% of my time is unscheduled. That’s the time I use to think, drop in on the people I want to speak with, and let my curiosity roam. It’s my time to be creative. Without this free time, I would never be able to stay ahead of the company. To lead a company, you’ve always got to be two steps ahead”

