The Easiest Way to Add an Emoji to Your Wi-Fi Network Name 🎉 🏆 💯

(tl;dr — Use Firebug to remove a call to a function that checks for illegal characters from the “Submit” button.)

Jason Eppink
2 min readOct 7, 2017

Do you want to use an emoji (or other non-Roman character) in your Wi-Fi SSID, but you keep getting foiled by a “Character is not allowed” error?

We’ll see about that…

Walkthroughs by Brian Jordan and Kilo were helpful, but they didn’t work for me. My solution ended up being even easier!

Step 1

Open Firefox and log into your wireless router’s web-based admin settings.


Step 2

Turn on Firebug. (Firefox DevTools may work, too.)

Step 3

Turn on the Inspector.

Step 4

Click on the “Submit” or “Apply” button to inspect its code.

Step 5

Look for a call to a function like checkData() or checkSsidName(). This function exists to ensure your SSID doesn’t contain any forbidden characters. Fuck this function. Click the cyan rectangle, delete the corresponding line of code, and press [Enter].

Before (highlighted code should be deleted)

Step 6

Create your hilarious Wi-Fi SSID, then click “Apply” or “Submit”.

Step 7

Enjoy the lulz! 😂

