Show Me The Money

Jason Gosseck
3 min readMay 3, 2017


That’s the thing. There is no money. Not yet at least. I doubt there will be any type of monetary value to what I am doing, and I am OK with that. All I want to do is read and write. Unfortunately, that explanation does not work for my family and friends. They see what I am doing and still consider my writing nothing but a glorified habit.

“Where’s the money Jason?!”

Believe it or not, I do have a plan for all this. I chose not to share it for many reasons because actions speak louder than words. I didn’t knock their feedback when I told everyone I quit my job to pursue a career as a full time writer. I expected it. I wanted it. I need to use those doubts as the fuel to speed up my writing and get results. I anticipated this. I ensured that I would not become a financial burden to anyone. I thought this through.

Before I continue, I should at least come to my family’s defense. They’re all not a bunch of dream killing sons of a bitches with no heart. Well, most of them are not. A few at least. There is a small grain of truth to their concerns when it comes to me making a such a major shift in my life. The unknown possibilities of this all crashing down on my head scares them. I respect that. They understand the harsh realities of a new world in which I want to take part in.

Passion becomes a problem when the disconnection notices start coming in the mail. If I can’t keep a roof over my head so that I can practice, then I never respected the craft to begin with. A starving artist is a stupid artist my father would say. This is not all lost on me. I get it. I understand better than most. The utility bill has my name on it.

There has to be something to show for missing Easter. I am waking up at 5:00 am to write every morning, and sitting back down at noon to write again. There has to be some responsibility for spending vast amounts of money on books and supplies. I have to give back if I am going to be taking so much. They want to see results that actually pay.

What’s the point? Why am I putting all this out there when I should be practicing? Affirmation. I am showing myself, my family, and the universe, that I now operate under a new currency. One with words, and I have enough capital to see this through. I am not going back. I am staying right where I am.

So then where’s the money? Well, first off, I never promised anyone a rose garden. All I said was I was going to write. And if a value needs to be placed on what I do, the next time I turn a resume into a work of art, I will start charging.

Obvious, the title is referring to the the 1996 movie Jerry Maguire starring Tom Cruise. I guess I am at that point where Jerry is going bat shit crazy with a baggie full of goldfish.

Oh, and about that money. It’s right here. You read it.



Jason Gosseck

reading, writing, changing the world, or at least trying