The limitations of perspective

Jason Hamzy
2 min readFeb 8, 2023


There are only so many words to express what we feel.

Art Journal Knot, Sept. 9, 2022, ink and Stockmar crayon on paper

It has been a long time since I felt like I had anything worthwhile to say. I find it all fascinating and am fully immersed in enjoying all the amazing moments of my life. Good times and bad. But is it worth sharing? I mean, my perspective on the simplest, most mundane and ordinary moments of my life are so rich and enjoyable, that I assume everyone else’s is, too. Perhaps I am guilty of a privileged life and I should seek to give back to the world, which has been so generous with me. Perhaps I should keep my trap shut.

If I was able to share a glimpse of the varied textures of my life, I would, but I feel bad about being undeserving of such a good life. It’s not like everything is perfect. People I love suffer. I suffer. People do things that hurt me and/or my family. But there is lots of comfort and mutual love and respect and support in my remaining family and friends. For this, I am blessed. Knowing I am undeserving to have it so good, makes me grateful beyond words. I can only hope that I am able to share a bit of love, comfort, respite from the storm. I can only hope that life is as good, if not better, for you, too.



Jason Hamzy

Artist seeking a new vision of the world while raising a modern family! Outdoor educator and nature based preschool cofounder. Lay down and look up.