Nova Token update — July 2019

Jay Cassidy
6 min readAug 1, 2019


Good day all,

Welcome to the monthly Nova Token update. It seems each month becomes busier than the previous for us so let’s get to it and bring you up to speed on what we have been up to.


The recently kicked-off signature bounty campaign has been well received and is now helping drive engagement in lockstep with our other bounties. In addition we are now reaching out to thousands of people via our mailing lists with project updates to reinforce that the NovaToken project is still moving forward in the right direction.

Beginning in August we will officially be launching our own NovaToken branded social media channels that are distinct from Nova Blitz. For clarity, Nova Blitz is still a partner of ours and the game is owned by a company called Crypto Games, operating out of Japan. The Nova Blitz social media channels will stay open and we will be cross-posting on them for the near future to notify new users about the separation of the two products and where to find the NovaToken Platform social media channels.

In addition, we are in talks with a few crypto companies regarding getting some paid marketing muscle. This will help get the message out to the greater gaming and cryptocurrency community that we have yet to permeate. There is also an effort to get some published articles and stories on Nova out to the pubic and we have several people who have agreed to assist the project to help get us in the press more frequently. There is a lot of great work being done here and simply not enough recognition. We are working to correct this.

The final piece of news is Nova will be kicking off an Ambassador program in the coming months to help spread the word of NVT in geographical regions of interest to the project. More on this exciting opportunity coming soon.


July saw us continue to expand our exchange listings by adding CoinLim to the family. CoinLim is our first Asian-based exchange listing and is a Top 100 exchange with a good track record and reputation. We look forward to growing a thriving market there in the future to give traders a secure and reliable place to trade Nova Tokens (NVT). You can find CoinLim here:

Discussions continue with many larger exchanges of interest to us. There are some financial and regulatory barriers the team is working to overcome to ensure we are able to secure a listing there in the near future. Some of the exchanges we are in talks with currently are Bancor, Bittrex and KuCoin. It is important to recognize that these exchanges vet stringently in today’s regulatory landscape and often require a certain amount of both time and traction out of a project before simply collecting a listing fee. This is a process and the team is committed to freeing up the resources and providing the proper documentation to meet the requirements of these top exchanges.

We will be sure to notify the community at the appropriate time once one of these top listings have been secured. We will continue to look for quality listings with smaller and medium exchanges with good reputations however at this point our top priority for an exchange will be securing a top listing.


The new website is having the finishing touches applied to it now for the staking portal to be synched up with the new design. You can see the website currently at:

You will now notice the many pieces of information including the Team and our updated project road map. We will also be soon releasing our updated whitepaper which you will be able to find in the ‘Technology’ section. The whitepaper has been crafted to focus on the technical merits of the project and is aimed as a resource to help developers, investors and new users of the platform to conduct due diligence.


The team added a new member to the marketing division in Mandy Cassidy. Mandy will be assisting in helping promote NovaToken and will be using her close location and connections to Silicon Valley area to help open doors for us down the road in the partnership area. She has been involved in blockchain since 2017 and has a passion for the freedom it offers via decentralization. We look forward to her upbeat attitude and contributions she will be bringing to the team.

in addition, we are now aggressively looking at adding to our Advisory board. We have some of the best talent in the CCG industry already on-board and will be looking to leverage that in the near future as well. The team is looking to build a strong Advisory team that spans the gamut — from blockchain experience to e-sports to deep TCG / CCG expertise, the NovaToken project is going to have a rich and diversified group to assist us as we grow.


We have now officially begun sitting down with interested investors regarding our seed raise for the NovaToken Platform. This is an important goal for us to achieve as it will allow the company and project to grow over the coming years without undue fiscal restraint.

You can help us in this regard by referring any interested parties to the team. We will be more than happy to have a discussion with anyone who is interested in becoming part of the NovaToken Platform via a capital investment into the underlying company — NFT Platform Limited.

As always with major milestones we will be sure to let you all know once we have successfully raised funds and what that means to the project in the short, medium and long term.


Nova will be announcing its first official partnership next month and we are thrilled to be on the cusp of realizing that milestone for the NovaToken Platform. There will be many more of these type of announcements coming from us so you simply need to stay tuned with your ear to the ground for when we are able to publicly come forward with the good news.

The team sees strategic partnerships as a top priority and invests considerable time reaching out and forming relationships with all of the top companies in the Non-fungible token (NFT) industry.


Development of our MVP (minimal viable product) for the NovaToken Platform continues to move forward daily. We are expanding our network of resources for the development side to ensure we are able to bring the platform to market as soon as possible. The key for us is ensuring that we have deliver works and it works well to meet the needs of both game designers and players alike.

In the future we will be looking to draft independent updates on the development progress on various parts of the platform. We are currently aiming to have our 1.0 NovaToken Platform release by end of year and are constantly looking at ways to balance our time to market with absolute quality of the product itself.

Closing thoughts:

The team has truly come together to unique under a common goal and I am very proud of the commitment everyone has made. The exposure of the project to the great crpyto and gaming community is critical as we are on the verge of releasing a working product.

In the world of blockchain, having a working product is a big step in the right direction for a project given the sheer amount of empty promises made to investors in this industry to date. The focus on the marketing side is to truly use every resource we have available to highlight this so that the industry is aware there is a serious competitor coming up to challenge the WAX’s and Enjin’s of the blockchain gaming industry. This is fast becoming a critical area for us as we continue our development and the team is doubling down on efforts to make the best use of our resources to achieve that.

Ok, well that was a mouthful. Thank you again for the continued support as we work together on this common goal of creating real value in the digital collectibles industry. Stay tuned because August is going to be by far the busiest and most successful month yet for the NovaToken Project — Jason Cassidy, CEO

