The Risks and Legal Implications of AI-Powered Manipulation Services

Jason Jacobs, MSc.
3 min readMar 25, 2024


Courtesy of Midjourney


The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to the development of various image generation and voice cloning features that can dramatically alter visual content and replicate audible data.

While these technologies can be used for creative and innovative purposes, they also come with significant risks and legal implications that need to be addressed.

Face Swap

Face swap technology allows users to seamlessly replace one person’s face with another in an image or video. This capability has various practical applications, such as special effects in movies or creating fun digital content. However, the potential for misuse is also significant.

Malicious actors could use face swap to create fake images or videos that appear to show someone doing or saying something they never did, leading to defamation, fraud, or even identity theft. This raises serious ethical and legal concerns around privacy, consent, and the integrity of digital media.

Cybercrime Legislation: United States

Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in the United States, the creation of deepfakes intended to defraud could be considered a criminal offense.

Artificial Intelligence Legislation: EU Artificial Intelligence Act

The EU AI Act is indeed a proposed regulation that addresses the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence. It includes provisions to mitigate risks associated with deepfakes, a type of synthetic media that manipulates videos to make them appear real.

Article 52: Transparency Obligations for Providers and Users of Certain AI Systems and GPAI Models

Voice Generator and Cloning

Similar to face swap, voice generation and cloning technologies can create synthetic audio that mimics a person’s voice. This can be used for legitimate purposes, such as accessibility features or creative projects. However, it also enables the creation of fake audio recordings that could be used for impersonation and fraud.

Example of a voice cloning AI software.

The legal implications of voice cloning include potential violations of privacy, and intellectual property rights.

Clothes Changing and Removal

AI-powered tools can now be used to digitally alter images, allowing users to change or remove clothing from individuals depicted in the image. While this feature may have applications in e-commerce or fashion design, it also raises concerns about the non-consensual manipulation of someone’s image and the potential for misuse, such as the creation of non-consensual pornographic content.

Example of a Clothes remover AI tool.

Cybercrime Legislation: Worldwide

There are few exceptions for countries who have not yet implemented a Cybercrime Act. The majority who have already implemented such have prohibited the non-consensual distribution of intimate images, which could extend to AI-generated synthetic media.

Legislation: Canada

The Criminal Code of Canada includes sections dealing with voyeurism and the distribution of intimate images without consent, which could be applicable to the misuse of AI-powered clothing manipulation.

Printing, publication, etc., of voyeuristic recordings, The Criminal Code of Canada

Ultimately, the responsible development and use of these AI-powered tools are crucial to preserving individual rights, maintaining the trust in digital media, and ensuring that the benefits of these technologies are not overshadowed by the potential for misuse and harm.



Jason Jacobs, MSc.

I write Offensive Security content for the beginners and enthusiasts • MSc. Cybersecurity • eCPPT • eJPT • Security+ 🧑‍💻