The Future is Coming. The Future is Here.

Jason Julien
2 min readFeb 20, 2016


This post originally appeared on the Newhall Klein Blog.

Anyone who’s spent time working in the web industry is aware that it’s a world in flux. Sometimes the changes are incremental and barely perceptible. Other times they’re bigger shakeups that cannot be ignored and even spill over into the mainstream. For example, it was hard to miss the introduction of web-capable phones. Not only was this a revolutionary shift in the way people viewed the web, but it forced designers to think differently and design responsively for this ubiquitous, smaller screen.

It’s easy to see the changes in hindsight when we look back through the timeline of web history. Predicting them is another matter! Ten years ago, nobody knew about Twitter. Five years ago, nobody knew that flat design would do away with skeuomorphism and textures. Or even more recently when Google decided to give responsive sites preference in their search algorithm, in effect penalizing people for not staying current with the latest web conventions.

As you’re reading this, the tomorrow of the web is in your hands. It has all but consumed our free time (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest anyone?). It influences how we communicate with each other — LOL, OMG, FTW! It has even crossed over into what we wear (Fitbit, iWatch, iUnderwear?). The future used to seem so far away but with each new innovation and invention occurring more rapidly, it’s safe to say that this is the future, even though we aren’t cruising around on personal jetpacks.

Where does your website sit in this future we are living in? Are you on the cutting edge, or even the bleeding edge? Are you thinking that you might need to convert your site over to be responsive? Or worse, do you not even have a site for your business or organization? We’ve been navigating this space for a long time and have learned to adapt to the ever-changing world wide web. If you need a hand to guide you through today’s future world, let us know. We’d love to have you join us on this journey.

