The 3 Benefits Of a 4-Day Workweek and Its Concerns

Jason Kang
2 min readJun 7, 2022


What do you think about a 4-day workweek?

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

The four-day workweek trial starts in the UK today, which is one of the largest trials so far. Iceland also conducted a four-day workweek from 2015 to 2019, resulting in improved productivity and less burnout.

The idea of initiating a four-day workweek is far from a new concept.

Back in the 1920s, Henry Ford found out that worker productivity increased by reducing the workweek from 60 plus hours to 40 hours. That idea arose around a century ago.

In this article, I would like to share 3 benefits of a four-day workweek and some concerns.

1. It can improve your productivity

Microsoft experimented with a four-day workweek in Japan in 2018 and saw a 40% increase in productivity.

As they work less, they feel more productive. Many people disagree with the idea of long working hours.

This is because working for a long time does not equate to higher productivity.

2. It can improve your health

A four-day workweek can reduce burnout and stress.

The study outcomes from Iceland’s pilot project from 2015 to 2019 have shown a substantial decrease in stress and health issues.

Under a four-day workweek, work-life balance is achievable.

3. It can improve your quality of life

A 4-day weekend can enhance your quality of life. You have one extra day to carry on with your personal activities.

You will have more time to spend with your family. Both men and women can have more time for family planning. It can also enhance gender equality.


However, it is a question mark on whether it can enhance worker productivity.

Many factors such as work ethics, company values, and personal character can also influence the level of productivity.

It also depends on the work culture in particular countries. Many Chinese tech companies in China urged their employees to embrace the 9–9–6 culture — the culture of working from 9 am to 9 pm for 6 days straight.

And, it can also be expensive to implement.

At the macro level, economic development can be disrupted.


We need to understand that there is no perfect solution for all. A 4-day workweek might be a good idea, but we should also consider its possible downsides.

In the future, I will also write about the 9–9–6 culture in China.

Thank you for reading! :)



Jason Kang

Ex-engineer in Singapore and now I talk about job, working life and sometimes education