When it All Falls Apart

Jason Manning
2 min readFeb 18, 2022

I checked each piece as I went.

Each step worked perfectly.

Every step of the way was checked and rechecked.

And then in one instant….nothing.

Sure, the site is still running but the most important piece is broken. It’s like having a car that starts but just won’t allow you to put it in gear.

Where do you go from here?

This, in my opinion, is where the rubber meets the road. This is where all the training comes into play. Anyone can write a program but only a developer can fix a bug.

It takes guts to turn around and say, “Okay, where is the screwup?”. You’re admitting that you made the mistake and that you have to fix it. That takes guts. And as a developer, we get paid to fix our own mistakes.

We’ve been gifted browser developer tools and IDEs to help us along the way and prevent us from having to go line by line to find an issue. However, they cannot take away the fact that you still have to do the work. You still have to roll up your sleeves and dig out the worm that has imbedded itself in your garden.

At the end of the day, development is about choosing to do something meaningful. And meaningful isn’t always fun.

Keep the change you filthy animals.



Jason Manning

I’m on a journey to become a software developer. I’m logging my path here. It’s going to be a strange and beautiful ride.