3 min readApr 26, 2022


A first of it’s kind in the NFT space.

An introduction to NFT Numbers:

NFT Numbers: a 5000-piece NFT collection, with the aim to change people’s lives.

NFT Numbers, is an innovative and fun collection, 5000 numbers, 1–5000 with 1000 golden tickets giving access to weekly and monthly mega-draws: the first one being…

A BORED APE worth $350,000.

Why NFT Numbers?

The NFT numbers team have been in crypto for many years and have enjoyed as fans the rise of NFT’s, it’s truly an exciting space and we have no doubt that NFT’s will be an important part of the future of blockchain and IRL use case.

That said, we have also experienced alongside 1000’s of other fellow crypto and NFT’s enthusiasts the frustration of NFT collections. Whether that’s a team who over promise and under deliver, or more important offer no genuine utility.

With NFT numbers, that’s about to change.

We asked ourselves as fans of the space, what would we be excited for, what we want to put our hard earned money into, that’s how NFT Numbers come about.

We all entered the crypto and NFT space with the goal of achieving financial freedom and for the tech, obviously.

Some of the lucky few have, whether it was finding that 100 X gem or getting in on the original mint of Bored Ape Yacht Club but for most of us the journey continues.

With NFT numbers, we’re going to change that and help bring some of those life changing opportunities to the community.

How it works

We love simple and this really doesn’t get any simpler!

As long as you are holding one of our NFT’s you’re automatically in the draw, every week, and of course the monthly Mega draw.

Live draws will take place and streamed via either twitch or Youtube. You’ll be able to see all the dates of our draws via the website and our social media pages.

Keep an eye out for when we ask you the community what you’d like to be on offer for our prizes.

What are the prizes we hear you ask?

Well if you’re on the whitelist and mint, you’re automatically in the draw for a Mutant Ape Yacht Club which we will announce 24 hours after mint.

The first Mega draw will be a Bored Ape. Straight out of the gate we’re starting as we mean to go on, an opportunity for you to be a part of an elite club and have wife changing money, sorry *life changing money.

The Rarity.

We told you we like simple. Just two types: 4000 Silver tickets

1000 gold tickets

If you’re lucky enough to snag a gold we will be holding your very own prize draws every six weeks, that’s a 1 in 1000 chance of winning top tier prizes.

Be sure to follow us on twitter, Instagram and of course check out the website