Published inPodcast of MysyeryThe Day the Space Needle Fell DownApril 1st 1989 was a typical gray dreary day in Seattle. At 7pm a “special report” interrupted the broadcast on Seattle’s local NBC…Apr 10, 2020Apr 10, 2020
t<iframe src=”" seamless height=”60" style=”border:0"…Apr 10, 2020Apr 10, 2020
Who is Running for Seattle City Council in 2019?This is intended to be a complete list of the folks running for Seattle City Council in 2019. As folks enter the races, I’ll try to add…Mar 16, 2019Mar 16, 2019
Should Political Candidates have a Podcast?Yes. Every single person running for political office should have a podcast for their campaign.Feb 6, 2019Feb 6, 2019
Thoughts After the First Ever Seattle Podcasters Guild Meeting.Last night was the first meeting of the Seattle Podcasters Guild. So many awesome people showed up. I think we had about 20 people. We had…Dec 12, 2018Dec 12, 2018
Top 10 Mistakes Podcast Listeners MakeThese are the most common mistakes that I see podcast listeners making. This list is intended to help make you a better podcast consumer…Nov 12, 2018Nov 12, 2018
The 8 Types Podcast FormatsThere might be tons of podcasts but there are only a handful of podcast formats. This list is an attempt to catalog the most common…Nov 12, 20182Nov 12, 20182
Thoughts After The “Podcasting Like A Pro” EventLast night I had the opportunity to be on a podcasting panel at General Assembly in Seattle. I met and talked with a bunch of podcasters…Nov 9, 2018Nov 9, 2018