ASCII art is the digital age version of cave paintings

cowsay is a classic program. It does not really do anything useful. It just provides amusment. Give cowsay a line of text and it will generate the image of a talking cows in ASCII art saying that line.

cowsay ASCII art is the digital age version of cave paintings

Cowsay Modes

Borg Mode

Uses == for eyes.

cowsay -b You will be assimilated

Dead Mode

Uses xx for eyes.

cowsay -d I told you I was sick.

Greedy Mode

Uses $$ for eyes.

cowsay -g Show me the money.

Paranoid Mode

Uses $$ for eyes.

cowsay -p They are gonna take my guns.

Stoned Mode

Uses ** for eyes and a U for a tongue.

cowsay -s "Dave's not here, man"

Tired Mode

Uses -- for eyes.

cowsay -t So sleepy.

Wired Mode

Uses OO for eyes.

cowsay -w Cocaine is a hell of a drug.

Youthful Mode

Uses .. for eyes.

cowsay -y I forgot my ID at home.

Customize The Cow

Customize the cow eyes with -e

cowsay -e ss Snake-Eyes

Customize the cow tongue with -T

cowsay -T : I am hungry

More Than Just Cows

Most installations of cowsay will have included several cowfiles. You can list all availible with -l

Use the cowfile with -f

cowsay -f tux Hey Bill, I won.

There are some great ones here. Like the cow smoking a bong, an very uncomforatble sheep, and the ghostbusters symbol.

Next time you have something important to do, just waste time with cowsay

I hope you found this helpful. If you want more, I have a channel full of Python and Linux video tutorials on Youtube.



Jason Rigden

You may remember me from such projects as The Seattle Podcasters Guild, The Talking Cryptocurrency Podcast, or some of my popular Python tutorials.