A Powerful Visualization to Help Unlock Your Deepest Purpose

Jason R. Waller
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
3 min readDec 7, 2019


Photo by Gabor K. on Unsplash

A fundamental part of my coaching is something I call mining for purpose. All this means is bringing to the surface what someone actually wants and needs, at their core. I’ve always been inspired by the connection I’ve seen with one exercise in particular. It’s called the 80th Birthday Party. I’ve seen its value to others and I’ve also found value in it myself. I’d encourage you to try it out, too. See if it resonates for you.

Setting the scene

The goal here is to get closer to your own purpose. Get closer to what really matters to you. In general, this is just great self-awareness hygiene. But this can also be incredibly useful for those of us wrestling with really tough life decisions.

I’d like to challenge you to give this a try. If you have a meditation or reflection routine already, build this in. Do it today or the next time you have the opportunity. If you don’t, go to your calendar and find 15 minutes for it. Set aside a short period of quiet time to just sit with this visualization.

80th Birthday Party

Note: if you have someone you want to do this with, take turns reading the script. Line breaks are pauses. Otherwise, read ahead and then turn off you screen to do this on your own. Don’t worry about



Jason R. Waller
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)

Executive coach to CEOs and leaders. Partner at evolution.team. Speaker, combat veteran, ex-consultant. Top writer in Leadership. www.jasonrwaller.com