Dockerize your LAMP Application in 3 mins
LAMP is an acronym for one of the most common software stacks for building web applications.
The acronym stands for:
L – Linux
A – Apache
P – PHP/Perl/Python
In this article I will build and Dockerize a basic LAMP application.
My LAMP Application
I built a skeleton LAMP application with the following index.php file:
$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost', 'root', null);
function getOSInformation()
if (false == function_exists("shell_exec") || false == is_readable("/etc/os-release")) {
return null;
$os = shell_exec('cat /etc/os-release');
$listIds = preg_match_all('/.*=/', $os, $matchListIds);
$listIds = $matchListIds[0];
$listVal = preg_match_all('/=.*/', $os, $matchListVal);
$listVal = $matchListVal[0];
array_walk($listIds, function(&$v, $k){
$v = strtolower(str_replace('=', '', $v));
array_walk($listVal, function(&$v, $k){
$v = preg_replace('/=|"/', '', $v);
return array_combine($listIds, $listVal);
$osInfo = getOSInformation();