Socioeconomic Status causing Inequality in Education

Jason Sin
3 min readMay 3, 2020


Socioeconomic status causing inequality in education is a topic we are commonly familiar with. Socioeconomic status is generally broken into three hierarchies from high, middle, and low which lets us describe the three places a family may live. Low socioeconomic families often encounter domestic abuse which is one of the common consequences of drug usage. The community the individuals live in are more than likely to attend a school close by them. If an individual with a low socioeconomic status would attend a school, it would be a school that is in a bad community, lack of teachers, oversized class population, and lack of resources. Compared to an individual with high socioeconomic status, would have educated teachers who care, afterschool programs, and quantity resources like technology.

We learn that education is the key to success, which can give us different outlets in life. Students are the future of the world which means they should have the resources to be set up for success, not failure. According to Parker, D. Philip, Jerrim, John, Schoon, Ingrid, Marsh, W. Herbert socioeconomic disparities in preference habits and contributing to school changes that affect young people’s destinations, regardless of what can be clarified by academic performance. The study showed the value of how socioeconomic status can cause doubt in academic performances.

When a student feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, they would just stop trying. The lack of resources and funding can make a student feel unmotivated where their life is just grey, but with the right resources and funding can make a student want to get involved with higher education. In high school, I felt everything was just grey, with a lack of resources and funding. When I graduated high school, basketball alumni, Damian Lillard funded the school with new basketball courts, a concert, and more. If I had that when I was in high school I would feel motivated to attend school to hopefully give back one day. Damian Lillard gave hope to students in low socioeconomic status that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

According to Daraei, Mina, and Mohajery, Artmiz, it has long been known that low-income households are more prone to suffer from negative health patterns such as drug abuse, violence, stress, and families. Individuals may be in a lower-income household, which they cannot obtain cash for personal things that will result in violence like stealing from the wealthier. If you were to get caught for stealing, there are consequences that you may not recover from like jail. According to the article, domestic violence is one of the frequent results of alcohol consumption which reinforces women’s problems. Imagine having to go to school, if a child is having personal issues, such as domestic abuse, it will be impossible for the kid to concentrate because the child would be thinking all about his family problems. The study concludes that education is one of the best indicators of one’s later employment, earnings, and quality of life.

