10 Ways to De-Stress That Won’t Create More Stress

Try these 10 healthy (and free) solutions for popping the valve on the pressure cooker of your life.

Jason Tweed
4 min readMar 10, 2020
Image by aalmeidah from Pixabay

There are lots of ways to relieve stress, but many of them lead to more stress in the long run. Procrastination, money troubles, or health issues all lead to stress, but many of our go-to stress relievers can actually contribute to these problems.

Try these 10 healthy (and free) solutions for popping the valve on the pressure cooker of your life.

Talk to a friend.

Talk therapy can be valuable, but also can be expensive. Open up to a friend and tell them what you’re going through. In today’s social media savvy world, many of us feel like we need to put a mask on, even in real life. Go #NoFilter with a friend. Chances are they also need someone with whom to talk.

Get off your BUTT.

Physical exercise releases endorphins which will dissipate stress. The best part is you can do this absolutely anywhere if you get a little creative. Playing sports or heading to the gym are obvious methods of exercise, but certainly not exclusive. Getting your heart rate up for 10 minutes is enough to…



Jason Tweed

Senior Partner at Mediastead, LLC. — Marketing strategist, father of twins, wheelchair user, business writer, blogger and all-around geek.