Emergency Kit for New Drivers

Jason Tweed
4 min readJul 17, 2019

My twins just bought their first car. Dad is trying to keep them safe.

My kids just bought their first car. They are 17-year-old twins, and they worked all last summer to save up for insurance and a decent used car.

I’m immensely proud… And mildly terrified.

I’m not a helicopter parent, but obviously, every parent wants their child to be safe. However, I also want them to have independence and confidence, so wrapping them to their beds with duct tape until adulthood, while tempting, was not an option.

At the very least I wanted them to be prepared to save their own lives in the event of a vehicular emergency.

I wrote them a brief guide. I knew they wouldn’t listen to me to impart my decades of wisdom, but at least if I gave them the basics and the tools, chances are they’d survive.

I prefaced the conversation like this.

“I don’t want you to die. I know you probably won’t, but if you die because you were stupid, it’s going to make me look like a really bad father.”

They looked at me as if to say, “You already told us, ‘don’t do drugs’”.

I told them there are three ways you can die in your car that are stupid.



Jason Tweed

Senior Partner at Mediastead, LLC. — Marketing strategist, father of twins, wheelchair user, business writer, blogger and all-around geek.