Understand your niche market first before you create a single piece of content

Jason Wiehler
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


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What is the point of creating any content if you don’t understand your niche market? Who are you talking to? Who are you going to reach? Not a soul, nobody!

If by some miracle you accidentally get the attention of your ideal client, well then congrats. You’ve achieved the same thing as hitting a bullseye on a dartboard while blindfolded. It’s likely just a fluke. If you you were to continue to do it, expect your results to diminish and your time and effort to outpace any possible reward.

Your marketing strategy is a science

I’m not trying to turn your marketing strategy into a science. It already is. You just need to discover how it all works. I know that most of you would rather just take a stab at it. Give it your best try and hope for the best. That’s the most expensive way. And any service that provides what looks like a shortcut to a connection with your niche market and ideal clients is hoping you don’t understand the science, and you don’t try to in future.

Every minute you work on your business is important. That’s why it’s equally important not to waste any time creating content that has a very low chance of capturing the attention and creating a connection with your niche market. I’ve seen people write tons of blogs, create thousand of posts and produce hundreds of videos and almost never reach the people that need their product of service the most.

To understand your niche market is more than just knowing approximately where they are located online. More than just a basic explanation or demonstration of what you are selling. Your niche market is a group of people, who’s storyline so far has not included your product or service. If you think about it, you’ll know where I’m going with this.

How does your product become part of your customers story?

If your ideal client was to purchase your product and someone they knew asked them how they discovered it, what would their answer be? I can tell you it won’t a story about how they thoroughly watched and consumed every ad on their favorite social media app. And it won’t be that they did a search on google and found you on the 23rd page of results.

The story goes something like this. They have been searching for a solution to a problem or about a special interest and your name and image kept coming up consistently. When they finally took a closer look at your content, they realized that the sum of your content was sharing information on the exactly thing they have been searching for. It was as though you were speaking directly to them. And their purchase from you was an easy decision and a valuable solution.

The difference maker is a Niche Plan

There is a big difference between the businesses that know their niche market and the ones that don’t. One can speak directly to their ideal customer, and the other just talks in their general direction. The words, the messaging and the stories are so important. And they have to be infused into all your content, your website, social media and your SEO.

My advice to you is, have a Niche Plan. The amount of time invested into creating one is small compared to all the time, money, and effort that can be wasted without one. Knowing your niche market is exactly what you need in order to create a solid marketing plan for your business. That’s why it must be done before you create a single piece of marketing content!

Thanks for reading this article about understanding your niche market. You can read more of my articles on the same subject right here in Medium or you can a whole other collection on my website. Just got to jasonwiehler.com and check out what’s there.



Jason Wiehler

Niche Marketing Specialist. If your message is clear, your path will be too! Revealing what you need to know about your niche market. jasonwiehler.com