How we generated 100.000+ YouTube views through influencer marketing

Jasper Mutsaerts
4 min readSep 12, 2015


Whether you are a Corporate CEO or Startup Founder, influencer marketing is essential to your organisation. Want to know more about it? Read this article in Forbes. Last month Nieuwe Koffie, Vrijbuiter & Bohemian birds launched “The specialist in every bucket list”. The campaign became an instant YouTube hit and generated 100.000+ views. This article describes how we did it: (1) Collaborate with complementary partners, (2) Connect with super-connectors and (3) Create authentic and shareable content.

Step 1: Collaborate with complementary partners

In order to have a broad skill set and large reach it is recommendable to collaborate with complementary partners. This campaign has been made by advertising agency Nieuwe Koffie, outdoor travel brand Vrijbuiter and online travel platform Bohemian birds. The close collaboration between these three companies has been of vital importance to the success of this campaign.

Step 2: Connect with super-connectors

Keith Ferrazzi, widely considered as a global super-connector, wrote the book Never Eat Alone: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time. In Never Eat Alone, he exposes many secrets behind the success of so many accomplished people. Most of these secrets involve the power of relationships and how we all can succeed best in business and in life by contributing to the success of others.

The following excerpt is from Never Eat Alone’s Chapter 15: “Connecting with Connectors.” In this chapter, Keith discusses super-connectors: You know who I’m talking about. They’re the people who make possible “the strength of weak ties,” they know and connect people from all walks of life, and they’re essential to growing your network — whatever your mission in life.

We applied the philosophy ofFerrazzi and connected with 8 Dutch super-connectors in the area of Travel & Lifestyle; ranging from the Dutch champion free ride skiing Paul de Groot to one of the world’s most talented birdwatchers Arjan Dwarshuis, from rockstar blogger Marte van Liere to an upcoming Instagram travel photographer Pie Aerts.

Bucket list specialist 1: Paul de Groot
Senior Powder President CMH Benelux

Paul de Groot on kayaking in Norway.

Bucket list specialist 2: Marte van Liere
Founder Moderne Hippies

Marte van Liere on hiking in South Africa.

Bucket list specialist 3: Marijke vd Staak
Travel blogger Bohemian birds

Marijke vd Staak on her trip in New Zealand.

Bucket list specialist 4: Rebecca Boektje
Founder My Travel Boektje

Rebecca Boektje on skydiving in Ameland.

Bucket list specialist 5: Melissa Marijnen
Founder Professional Rebel

Melissa Marijnen on entrepreneurial adventures in Bali.

Bucket list specialist 6: Sanne van Hattum
Travel Blogger Citinerary

Sanne van Hattum on volunteering in Guatemala.

Bucket list specialist 7: Pie Aerts
Founder Pie Aerts Photograhpy

Pie Aerts on seeing the Northern lights in Norway.

Bucket list specialist 8: Arjan Dwarshuis
Founder The Birding Experience

Arjan Dwarshuis on birding around the world.

Step 3: Create authentic and shareable content

Authentic stories help powerful brands make deep connections with customers. But that high-level principle creates real-world challenges for content marketers. What is a powerful story and how do you tell it? Read the article “Is your content authentic? Three ways to keep it real” in Forbes to learn more about it.

My suggestion to all marketers would be: create content that influencers are proud of, feel comfortable with and are willing to share with their followers that you are trying to reach.

My gratitude goes to Joost Esser & Mark Jetten of Nieuwe Koffie, that have shown trust in my interview and presentation skills. And a special thanks to all the Bucket list specialists that have been willing to share their experiences with me. I hope this article is useful for those people that are interested in influencer marketing and / or emptying their bucket list.

Should you have any further questions or ideas, please don’t hesitate to contact me at and / or +316 55 87 53 53.

With entrepreneurial regards,

Jasper Mutsaerts

P.S. Want to learn even more about how you can get your ideas to spread? Check out this movie of Seth Godin:

