KULA society, UNDP & Impact Hub present: Social Good Summit Amsterdam

Jasper Mutsaerts
6 min readSep 18, 2015


The KULA society was founded in 2013 with the aim to build bridges between the corporate, creative and start-up sectors. On September 27th, KULA will be hosting the Social Good Summit Amsterdam in collaboration with UNDP and Impact Hub Amsterdam.

“But.. what is KULA? What is this “Social Good Summit” all about? And who will be speaking at the event and why should I come?” Ha, excellent questions my dear Dr. Watson! I thought you’d never ask!

1. What KULA does

KULA is an entrepreneurial community with over 100 young influentials from the Dutch business sector. And not just any businesses: we have KULA’ers from Bain & Company, Shell, McKinsey — you name a big hitter, we’ve got ‘em. Then there’s our creatives: Wieden+Kennedy, Natwerk, Hustle Creatives; and lastly the start-up sector gurus Blooming and Booming, Land Life Company, NextportChina.

Fun, right? So what do we do with these great minds? Well, Kula society takes its name from a ceremonial exchange system conducted in Papua New Guinea. The Kula ring spans 18 island communities, including the Trobriand Islands. Ring members travel hundreds of miles by canoe, in order to exchange Kula valuables which consist of necklaces and armbands. But most interestingly: there is no direct commercial incentive for these long treks. The Kula ring is a classic example of what French sociologist Marcel Mauss calls a gift versus a commodity exchange: a distinction that is carefully observed by the Melanesians, who contrast the “Kula” (gift) with the “Gimwali (trade) modality. In other words: you can’t Kula Gimwali, and you can’t Gimwali Kula.

2. What the Social Good Summit is about

Every year during UN week in New York the Social Good Summit (SGS) takes place. Entrepreneurs, pop stars, tech CEOs, politicians and other world leaders participate in this “people’s summit” with a global online audience, and together discuss one question: what are the world’s biggest challenges, and how can we use new media and technology to help solve them? This year, on September 27 and 28, the SGS will feature heavyweights like Dambisa Moyo, Charlize Theron, Helen Clark, and Jimmy Wales.

So, the biggest challenges — that’s pretty broad. But this year there’s an exciting theme: the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals, or #GlobalGoals. Those goals will be adopted by all UN Member States to replace the Millennium Development Goals, to guide the next fifteen years of peace and security, environment, and poverty.

UNDP, the Development arm of the United Nations, organizes local SGS events all over the world, including in Iran, North Korea, Brazil, Sudan, South Africa… and Amsterdam!

3. Who will be speaking at the event

As in New York and the other places across the globe, Amsterdam’s SGS will have a collection of amazing inspirators, creatives, entrepreneurs and leaders coming together. Check out these awesome speaker bios:

Isabelle van ‘t Groenewout

Writer & singer-songwriter

Guts & Tales recently wrote about Isabelle: “I chose to study law at university, mainly because I didn’t know what else to choose. My love for language and writing helped me stay interested enough to graduate but to say I was passionate about law…not really. As a student I worked as a singing waitress in a well-known Italian restaurant. Music and writing were always passions of mine. I never told anyone about the writing though, I thought I wasn’t talented enough.

I wanted to feel like I was somehow contributing to a better world, so I applied as a strategic consultant at a sustainable energy consulting firm.

Within my first year of working, at age 26, I had a stroke. After six months of tests I underwent surgery to the narrow arteries in my brain. Luckily it was curable. Then, almost a month after my surgery, my sister was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor. While I was rehabilitating, I spent a lot of time with her during her final months. She passed away 11 months after her diagnosis.

Just after my sister had passed away was a a national holiday. I saw thousands of people partying in the streets and I had a sudden realisation of how small I was in this big world. And that I might as well do that what made me the happiest, life’s too short.”

Check out this movie of Isabelle.

Willa de Goede-Stoutenbeek

Sustainability thinker & Founder of W.Green

Remarkable recently wrote about Willa: “There is a type of quiet confidence in people who have found a way to do what they love. This calmness is one that Willa exudes, and there is a noticeable pleasantness in the air as we are welcomed into W.Green to chat about her work and life. Willa’s impetus for change came in 2010, when the denim company she was working for went bankrupt and her professional life was completely upturned. She took the opportunity to step back and really examine herself, the work she was doing, and her contribution to the world.

Willa seized such an opportunity, and the result was W.Green, a branded communication agency focusing on fashion and lifestyle. Having seen the failures of the fashion industry up close and in person, Willa finds herself drawn to modern, conscious brands and being able to spread their message — in a more sustainable and conscious way. Her personal approach to fashion includes finding a way to help brands create both beautiful and sustainable garments and products and share their stories. W.Green’s motto is ‘Ethics + Aesthetics’.”

Check out this TEDxAmsterdam movie of Willa about “Sustainable fashion is a shared responsibility”.

Linda Vermaat

Founder Professional Rebel

Linda Vermaat is the co-founder of Professional Rebel. One of the first companies ever to scout, categorize and connect the innovators of today’s new economy. She is convinced that today’s world issues can be solved by these people and their businesses.

With Linda’s creative mind and 7+ years experience in moderation and campaigning, she shares the Rebel mind-set and startup lessons both offline as online. She dislikes indifference and is therefore constantly looking for individuals who dare to challenge the status quo.

During her own career she herself has instigated many initiatives which are still making a difference today such as Slow Food Youth Network Netherlands. Her charming character, curious mind and enjoyable wit make her a true investigator.

She is currently working on a project called Rebels around the World: a documentary series about game-changing entrepreneurs. It will consist of compelling portraits to inspire other to make a difference and money at the same time.

Check out this TEDxAmsterdam movie of Linda with Slow Food Youth Network Netherlands (YFM in The Nederlands):

Now if that doesn’t get your Social Good juices flowing… Then I’d like to say a firm “wait… WHAT??”

But if they have, then yay! Come join us, share your ideas, be a Rebel like Linda, invent your own 180 degree turnaround like Isabelle, be an entrepreneurial boss like Willa — and learn about the #GlobalGoals!

“OK SIGN ME UP ALREADY!” — awesome Watson, we were hoping you’d say that. Reserve your spot here. And tell a friend — see you Sunday September 27!

With entrepreneurial regards,

Jasper Mutsaerts

Co-Founder KULA society

