Jaiz Dhillon
4 min readApr 6, 2020

Is covid19 a virus or mere an exosome?

The whole world is facing lockdown situation from past few weeks and nobody knows for how long will it take to get rid from the fear of #coronavirus!

Recently I have been searching for new testing kits and how tests are performed to detect virus and if is there any possibility of vaccine or therapy in near future. Voila! I got to know something interesting or we can say a conspiracy theory regarding Corona virus.

According to new trials over Corona patients; I came across the use of exosomes ( I remember I studied about these vesicles in biology and their therepatic use in targeted drug delivery). In some hospital doctors used exosomes to treat Corona patient and got good outcomes in just 12 hours. Amazing!

Before I go ahead just take a look,

Swedish scientist Jan Lötvall from the University of Gothenburg researched over exosomes. Exosomes had long been viewed as merely tiny trash sacs tossed from cells, but Lötvall showed in 2007 that some cells use exosomes to transfer genetic material—messenger RNAs to make proteins and microRNAs to regulate the expression of genes—between each other (Nat. Cell Biol. 2007, DOI: 10.1038/ncb1596). That discovery set scientists searching for ways that exosomes might be involved in health and disease and even be used as treatment. Now it is clear that Lötvall’s study wasn’t a fluke. The vesicles are implicated in spreading diseases, (hey Corona!)including cancer, and metabolic conditions, like diabetes and obesity. A recent study even points to exosomes as a culprit for distributing amyloid-β, the plaque-forming protein that accumulates in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease. If exosomes can so easily carry molecules that spread disease, scientists began thinking they might be useful to carry molecules that stop disease too.

Now the conspiracy theory comes,

Dr. Andrew Kaufman’s research shows COVID-19 is an exosome which exists normally in our lung cell fluid.

Here’s additional screen shot from where he got his inspiration.

So here are few images that may provoke us to think that is covid 19 is really a result of viral infection, so why antiviral drugs don’t act on this RNA virus?

Why the receptor is similar as exosome extracted from patients with pulmonary disease i.e ACE receptor (which also serve as entry point of Corona virus as shown by studies). You can Google about exosome and it’s function and receptor ACE if not studied ever about it.

Now here are some slides to show similarly between Corona virus and exosome vesicles extracted from swab of a pulmonary disease patient.

See, the structural similarity.

So here we can get a chance to prove why certain drugs work and antiviral drugs are nearly ineffective over Corona virus.

In addition

Exosomes can also be influenced by certain factors which are very common these days.

In a wrap, it’s up to you all to think is it really a virus? A trap? Tool for economic crisis? Whatever the conspiracy may be behind. We all are in dark.

And, I guess in few days there will be intravenous injections Viz vaccine for Corona may be available, that will be nothing but lot of tiny exosomes!!

Jaiz Dhillon

Hey readers I am jaiz Dhillon mom of 2 angels, boss! writing is my passion. it's my antidepressant. be positive, stay calm, eat healthy, walk daily.