How Can A Wellness Coach Help To Quit Smoking?

Jassica Wilton
3 min readMar 13, 2018


Quiting an addiction is really a tough task, especially it is smoking. There are lots of people who fails to find the best way of achieving the objective.

People who are addicted to smoking often find it stressful when trying to get rid of their habit. Some try using candy, while some attempt to limit the number of cigarettes they smoke in a day. But after a few days they go back to being the way they were before.

Smoking and other usage of tobacco can cause major cardiovascular problems, which includes risk of developing cancer in the bladder, oesophagus, mouth and throat. Apart from this, there are also some long term diseases that can occur from daily smoking. So, how can you deal with this life threatening problem? If you have already tried a number of ways and failed every time, it’s time to visit a wellness coach.

It is the addiction that makes or breaks a person. A wellness coach applies the same method to bring positive changes in one’s life. They utilise the practice of good and healthy habits that brings about a massive change in the daily activities of the addict, especially when it comes to smoking. Let’s take a closer look.

How can a wellness coach help to quit smoking?

Honestly, it is not possible for a wellness coach to make you do anything. Their goal is to help a person reach that point where he/she can understand the harmful effects of smoking. Simply a brain game. The smoker thinks about all of the reasons that forces them to quit smoking.

Therefore, a wellness coach can help you lead a healthier life while decreasing the risk of developing chronic disease and promoting positive behavior changes. A typical wellness coach works with you to build an awareness program and help you to find out why you prefer smoking. Well, in most cases, the cause is either stress or simply pleasure.

Whatever be the cause, expert health professionals in Toowoomba can create a barrier between the good and bad thoughts and recreate a positive image within you. Their evaluation and healing programs would also extract the negative thoughts from your mind and thus, you can develop the power to deal with future stresses. You, along with a wellness coach can create a personalised plan to reach the goal quite easily.

What are the methods that a wellness coach uses?

Generally, a typical wellness coach utilises a number of techniques to heal a person. These are:

Motivational interviewing:
A professional wellness coach can be your cheerleader and confidante.

Cognitive behavioral therapy:
This method helps you to think about why you perform the behaviours you do.

Rational behavioral therapy:
A wellness coach helps to pour in more flexible and realistic terminology in your life so that you can bring in positivity into your daily life.

Actually, a wellness coach is not just a coach. He/she can also be a really good friend to someone dealing with a lot of negativity in life.

