Adaptability Makes You An Asset

Jas Takhar
3 min readApr 18, 2020


In our pursuit of success we have to be able to adapt. The world is an ever evolving place and in our effort to keep up with it we may need new methods to access our dreams. How you achieve it might have to be altered due to a number of factors beyond your control. Just because your original design didn’t pan out doesn’t mean it’s out of reach. Being open to change is a requirement on the road to success.

We can still achieve what we set out to do, it may just be a different version of that. Whatever we want as our ultimate goal has so many versions surrounding it. If we want to work in football, you don’t have to be a player: you can be a coach or a commentator or a sports writer. I always knew that I wanted to work in the sales and service industry, which is something I will never stop pursuing. I used to sell cars, and stepped down when my passion was declining. My fondness for real estate has caused me to change industries but I still operate in the same vein. If I become too comfortable in this, I’ll sell something else.

Adaptability in the workplace is a necessity. Flexibility during stressful situations will give you the appearance of being professional, but also will help you maintain your professionalism in uncomfortable times. If something is out of your control, it’s best to realize that there’s nothing that you can do about. But being adaptable also means being prepared. Keep yourself educated by embracing information surrounding your goals and your skills. What would happen if such and such occurs? Having the ability to think ahead helps you to control the situation.

Letting things weigh upon you just creates another roadblock. If you prepare for the worst, you will be able to rise above the worst case scenario. Failure is not permanent in the business world, it’s all about how you handle it. Opportunity is almost infinite, you just have to be able to find it. If you let yourself get in the way of it, it will come. Do your due diligence and it will present itself that much faster.

The key to being adaptable is finding out what is truly important to you, and planning out how to achieve those dreams. This not only makes you an asset to your team, but also helps put you closer to your goals. If you go out to pursue more, you’ll gain more.

Always be open to change, not just in the business world, but in life. You cannot control the world around you, but you can always maintain yourself and manage what you can control. Being able to adapt gives you an edge above the competition. As long as you’re working towards your goal, you’re on the right path.



Jas Takhar

I want to document my struggles and successes as a business owner, while also sharing tips and important life lessons I’ve learned along the way.