Join me for #WriteForWellnessChallenge

Join me for a 30-day writing challenge for Mental Health Awareness Month.

Jaswanthi Mamidisetty
2 min readApr 8, 2024
Image by Piyapong Saydaung

I’m considering writing for 30 days consistently on Medium in May as it is Mental Health Awareness Month.

In those 30 days, I will try to share my experience, share some mindful tips that I try to include in my routine, try to include resources about mental health, and many more.

I will ensure that these blogs are not only about sharing personal experiences but include some important takeaways/resources that the readers can follow.

Join me for #WriteForWellnessChallenge

I also invite my fellow writers to join the challenge and make a difference with their words.

here’s how you can participate in the challenge :

  • Write a blog and publish it on the Medium platform. You can even publish your blog in related medium publications to reach the right audience.
  • If you are struggling with coming up with ideas for the blog, you can use AI prompts to come up with the ideas.

Possible Daily Prompts:

Day 1: What does “mental health” mean to you?

Day 2: Describe your perfect self-care routine.

Day 3: How can mindfulness practices reduce stress?

Day 4: Share a tip for overcoming social media comparison.

Day 5: Write about a mental health myth you want to debunk.

Day 6: List resources for mental health support.

  • Include the hashtag #WriteForWellnessChallenge in the blog to build a community.
  • Share your work on social media platforms to increase your reach.

Why join #WriteForWellnessChallenge ?

  • Spread awareness about mental health.
  • improve your writing skills.
  • build a community of like-minded people.

I’m publishing this blog, in order to stay accountable, plan my content, and schedule it, to stay consistent.

I also wrote this blog to encourage fellow writers to join this challenge and make a meaningful contribution.

If interested in joining the #WriteForWellnessChallenge, please comment below.



Jaswanthi Mamidisetty

A place where you will find blogs on data analysis , book summaries and unfiltered thoughts .