Android Development and it’S Future

Jatin Kirankalpanajha Raj
6 min readOct 14, 2014

Why to become an Android Developer.

A brief History

It is very surprising to see how the nano or the smallest technologies related to IT Domain are shrinking the world day by day. The world is becoming a smaller place or we can say that it is becoming a place where the word “ FAR” is really drifting away from the dictionary of our livelihoods. Whats App, Facebook, Twitter ,Hang Out,Uber,Flipkart etc. have brought the world around us in our handset.Everything we need(from a pendrive to cab booking), anybody we wish to talk to, any song we yearn to listen,any news we want to get updated with ,all are just a touch away. How it became possible that the device that we started to use just for the communication purpose(i.e for talking and messaging), abruptly became the most powerful and dependable source of our day to day living . What was the driving fuel behind all these. Where did the revolution start?What was it? It was something like our open universe, where we all contribute to make it a better place for us and others. It was Android, The Open Source. Let’s Know something more about it and it’s future.


Android is a mobile operating system (OS) based on the Linux Kernel.It was founded by Andy Rubin,Rich Miner,Nick Sears and Chris White in the year 2003 and was later acquired by Google in the year 2005. Android is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. But now this technology is growing at such a rapid pace that it is going to hit the markets of Television , Cars and Wrist Watches very soon too. The OS uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping etc.Android is the world’s largest used Operating System. Android is the most popular mobile OS. Till the end of 2013, Android devices were sold more than Window, iOS, and MAC OS devices added together. Just got to know from one of my colleague and Co-Founder of CodersFactory, Mr. Abhinay Kumar that Google App Store has more than 1 million apps published with more than 50 billion apps being downloaded. And the Revolution has just begun, it’s just a beginning.Lets move on.

Way to an Android Developer(Engineering Students Pay Attention)

All you need is, a sound knowledge of Java Programming Language added with the know-How of Android Software Development Tools to become an Android Developer. Other than Android Software Tools(Kits) , there are several other 3rd Party tools available in the market to develop an android application. But before you start using any of the development kit listed above, you must learn the java programming language.Because that is where your platform as an android developer would be laid.It all starts from there only. You could say that in your way to become an Android Developer, learning java would be your first landmark. After you do that, there are development tools like Android Studio, Eclipse ,AndroWish,Adev etc which will help you to build an android application with Java at the core.To learn all these , there are several tutorials available on the Internet. I will mention few of them here so that it would lessen your search time on Internet. For getting started you can begin with tutorials such as “get started” on,, , There are several other tutorials as well but the listed ones are the most preferred ones I guess.But ultimately , it comes down to the individual’s choice. The core message behind this type of learning approach is that , it will open up a different dimension of learning method for you all.. Internet contains profound collection of knowledge imparting sessions and tutorials. It can definitely guide and teach you in the best way. Other than resources available on internet we at CodersFactory, Ranchi are always there to help you students. The best thing is that we too have included some of the video tutorials by the best from the industries in our training curriculum. If you are finding it difficult to learn up the things from the tutorials available , you can come down to our IT training Center “CodersFactory” at Ranchi. We will definitely guide you all in a best possible way.

Glorious Days Ahead.

As far I can see it, the Android market would be beaming with lots of opportunities in the near by future.You will be surprised to know that in 2012,from the mobile users across the globe, 60 percent of them were using Android based mobile phones and now the figure has grown to 85 percent. And with the launch of Android One, the experts are predicting more number of Android users in Indian Market.Every product and service based companies are pushing their mobile applications in the market like anything. Whether it be a startup or be some MNCs, all of them are investing majority of their resources in developing mobile based applications.As mentioned earlier as well, Google App Store has more than 1 million apps published with more than 50 billion apps being downloaded and has already crossed the Apple App store .Lots and lots of startups and other companies in India are working day and night only on the mobile applications and they are hiring skillful mobile developers for this as well. You would be surprised to know that ,the several startups are willing to pay around 20 to 25 thousand, the only criteria they look out for is how technically sound and imaginative you are and can be. The good side is, people using smart-phones demands for better applications and update for existing one, which in turn creates huge scope of android mobile application development in India.

Many mobile Apps development industries are considering Android Application Development as one of the best business opportunities, for this they need to hire a lot of knowledgeable application developer in future. This too adds a big sign of scope of mobile Apps in future.

In the current job market of mobile app development , the need for inventive App developers is huge and still increasing. It can also be taken up as a part time job or one can also work as freelancer . After learning you can create your own applications at home and submit it to the Google Play store which can be downloaded by smart-phone users.Apart from it there are several world level competitions which are being oraganized around the world such as “Android Challenges”. These kinds of events offer you a world class platform to showcase your talent.

So we can conclude from that statistics above that the market of Android has already become huge and is now taking it’s steps towards becoming a giant.The bigger the market will be, the more will be the opportunities. So,if all of you want to see yourself as the developers of the future generation and at the same time are not interested in becoming a web app developer, start learning the most powerful thing of the present and the future. Believe me, most of you would be building bigger than what we already have.In my next blog I will be coming up with actual figure related to the need of an Android Developer in Indian and American market as well will get you know in detail about getting started with Android Development.Stay Tuned.

Thank you All.Keep on reading and recommending my blogs. It’s just a humble step to spread an IT awareness among the students of who are aspiring to become the true software engineers. Your simple,yet valuable efforts will make the things better for sure. Thank You.

Jatin Raj

Founder- CodersFactory

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