My First hangout with Mozillians

At Webmaker Kitchen Party

Jatin Mehta
3 min readFeb 15, 2014

Finally, I got time to write about the “Webmaker Kitchen Party” . Its not that I was so busy in my work and I didn’t get time to write a blog, its just that I’m lazy… :P

Rahul (RMA Mozilla), a friend of mine invited me to attend this event, I thought that this would be a new kind of experience for me as well, so there was no point disagreeing to it.

This was the very first webmaker event organised by ReMo Shahid Farooqui in Allahabad. The main focus of the event was to introduce Mozilla and its mission to the local folks. It was attended by small kids ranging from class 3rd to class 12th, Aditya Chaturvedi (FSA, IIIT Allahabad), Charul Agarwal (FSA, IIIT Allahabad), Raid Ahmad (RMA FSA, MIT Merrut), Tayyab Isfahani (Mozillian, Kanpur ). Here you can find more details about the event.

Before the beginning of the event Shahid Farooqui discussed with us what would be the event flow and what would be the topics for the whole event. In this, Aditya was given the task to present a small talk on what is a search engine and how it works, Charul took the topic on Email , Rahul on FSA program of Mozilla, Raid on Webmaker tool and I decided to give a basic talk on what is computer.

Event began by Shahid Farooqui talk, giving us all insight into Mozilla foundation, its mission and various projects going on within Mozilla. Some of the projects he mentioned were Webmaker, Firefox Os, Firefox Browser, Thunderbird, Persona, etc. Then he introduced the Firefox Student Ambassador Program of Mozilla which is about encouraging students to be a part of this wonderful open source community to spread their cause and promote open web. He then moved on to introduce some other tools like popcorn which allow anyone to create popcorn-powered rich media pages, thimble which help novice HTML authors to create and host web pages. These are all part of Webmaker project.

Shahid Ali Farooqui (Mozilla Reps)

We then one by one gave our talks on different topics that we decided earlier. Though it was a difficult task explaining small kids about all the stuff related to computers but I enjoyed it.

This is me giving a basic talk on computers

It was then time to start with some cool competitions that we planned for kids. The first one was ‘Learn and Teach’, in which we divided kids into groups of 3 and each group had to think of anything that they know and could teach all the other groups. Seems pretty interesting !!! Kids participated in this very enthusiastically and they came up with a lot of different ideas.

The second one was “drawing” competition, in which each student was given a complete drawing kit and they were asked to draw either firefox logo or webmaker logo. All of them made wonderful drawings but unfortunately we had to choose only two winners among them. The winners were presented with some cool prizes.

Webmaker logo drawn by the kids
Firefox logo drawn by the kids

With this we came to the end of this wonderful “Webmaker Kitchen Party”. I was so inspired by this event that I immediately applied for the FSA program and now I am organizing such an event at my Institute.



Jatin Mehta

GSoC Intern @Wikimedia Foundation | FSA @Mozilla | Science and Technology Enthusiast | Developer #PHP #ROR #Js | Open Source Lover | Contributor @Wikimedia