Life of an Intern — Week 1

Being an intern is not so bad after all… 

Javaad Beg
2 min readJun 29, 2014

I’m humbled to have finished my first week as a corporate intern at Nordstrom with the Social Media team. I thought it’d be a good idea to update my experience in words and pictures throughout the 2 month program.

Day 1 was exciting; I didn’t know what to expect, what to expect from the people I would meet, the people I would work with and for, the other interns.

My first impressions of the company and program is WOW. I’ve done previous internships before, both large and small, but have never seen a program so entitled to its’ interns. The program itself has been rated #5 in the nation by Forbes.

Nordstrom strongly believes in the ‘Intern’ title and I plan to take full advantage of this. By this I mean as an intern you have access to people you would never be able to reach as an employee. Just in my first week I already had a 30 minute conversation with a VP and was amazed at how much they are willing to help the interns learn.

I cannot wait to learn more of the company and make my mark as well. Turns out; being an intern is not so bad after all.

Thoughts? Comments? Tweet me — @javaadbeg

