WTF is “The World?” 

A Millennials Perspective On This Digital Age 

Javaad Beg
3 min readFeb 17, 2014

I recently came across this picture this picture on Twitter:

Wtf is wrong with this dude? What is he looking at? The world?

The caption along with this was:

“Wtf is wrong with this dude? What is he looking at? The world?”

Now as simple as the picture looks, for me it was very thought provoking. The truth is, that yes, it is a shocker now if someone is at a bus stop and just staring at this thing called life instead of a flapping bird on a 4 inch screen. I started to think a lot because frankly, I would be definitely guilty of this. I then started to think about how hard it is for Millennials, myself included, to find the “sweet spot” between this Digital world and this other thing called the Analog world.

I believe that the sweet spot does exist. Our digital space is like our living room. In that living room we chat with new people, make new friends, share ideas, share pictures, make jokes, and on and on. Now, none of us, I hope, live in our living room 24/7. Yet, many of us seem to be connected to our digital world for as long as we are awake.

I’m not arguing to go Amish or anything, but I am arguing that it’s nice to get outside of your living room once in a while. From that first picture above, what if the young man siting done was on Linkedin looking for a job and the man standing next to him had one to offer? They will never know because instead of being in the analog world where that conversation would occur, they were in their digital world.

Now how do we know when to go outside of our living room? Because we sure as hell don’t want to miss a tweet or meme unless we surly have too, right? The truth is, in my opinion, this is all judgement from person to person. I would encourage everyone who stands in a line to chat with the people next to you instead of wait on your phone. I would encourage everyone to stare out into the sky and city instead of trying to beat your flappy bird score.

To answer my original question: The world is a beautiful place. So Millennials, let’s use this amazing technology to make us experience the world better, not forget about it.

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