Various Architectural styles | Solution design

Mar 18, 2023


One of the skills which required to become a good software craftsman is to learn how to design complete solution. Architectural styles is one of the solution design of software .

When designing software solution, you must think which Architectural styles and patterns matter the most.

Below are the few topics which I can think of presently.

  • Monolith
  • Layered — Multi-layered architecture
  • Microservices Architecture
  • Service oriented
  • Client-server
  • Component-based
  • Command query responsibility segregation (CQRS)
  • Event-driven architecture (EDA)
  • Reactive
  • Data-centric architecture
  • Event Sourcing pattern
  • Data-centric
  • Rule-based architecture

Good to read below :

Architectural styles


Microservices-vs-multi-layered-architecture Stack Overflow

Software craftsmanship — Wikipedia




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