PM Imran Khan Launches Naya Pakistan National Sehat Cards in Punjab

2 min readFeb 17, 2022


A landmark moment for Pakistan’s healthcare infrastructure, Prime Minister Imran Khan launched National Sehat Cards on Friday. Under the health insurance scheme, families in Islamabad can avail free medical treatment of up to Rs 1 million per year at government and private hospitals that are a part of the panel hospitals. The prime minister distributed the health insurance cards to the beneficiaries at an event held in Islamabad, while deeming the facility a ‘revolutionary step’ that aims to facilitate the national population across the board.

Addressing the spectators of the launching ceremony, where the Chief Minister Punjab Usman Buzdar, Special Assistant to PM on Health Faisal Sultan, Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry and others were present, the prime minister said that “We will be an example to the world of what a welfare state is,”. Further, the Chief Minister of Punjab, Usman Buzdar said 56 hospitals had been empaneled in the province to offer medical insurance amenities in 36 districts.

A New Age of Healthcare in Pakistan

The prime minister, Imran Khan, that medical practitioners did not go to rural areas to continue their practice, leading people in those areas to not get quality healthcare. Further, he revealed that the government was establishing five mother and child hospitals to tackle the high mortality from neonatal and pregnancy complications.

He was also sorrowful that the country’s healthcare system continues to serve only the elites. A step towards becoming a social welfare state, the Chief Minister stated that by the end of March, all of Punjab will be able access amenities of the Sehat Card, as the government has increased the health budget by 200%. A total of Rs 450 billion will be spent on the health insurance program, relieving 35 million families of off the burden of expensive medical treatment, rousing a ‘silent revolution’ within the healthcare industry.

Encouraging The Private Health Sector

The prime minister added that the government will motivate the private healthy sector by permitting duty-free import of medical equipment to expand the network of private hospitals for their panel. This will eventually help in developing and improving the health infrastructure across the province.

He also praised the Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, the health minister, Dr. Yasmin Rashid and the whole team involved in the project for the feat they have achieved. Moreover, while addressing the launching ceremony, Dr Faisal Sultan said the Sehat Card facility would steadily extend to people across the country, as Pakistan was gradually progressing towards becoming a welfare state for its citizens.

