
Javier L
5 min readJul 7, 2022


The interface design of a wellness mobile app to help users fight the urge to procrastinate, by organizing their daily tasks and creating a structured road to completion. All while avoiding the risk of momentum burnout that results in falling into habits of procrastination and delay in taking action.

Scope of Project

10 days deadline | Personal Project| Figma, Google Font | iOs iPhone 7

Lets start with a statement, — Everybody Procrastinates — .

Its actually a selfdefense mechanism that we have as part of our evolution as human beings since we started to be selfconscious. It prevents our brains from irreversible damage for stress, “overheating”, and overstimulation.

The Problem starts when that selfmechanism becomes the driver of our actions and prevent us from doing them , even when we know that will cause later pain or stress.

In order to develop this project I used the Double Diamond Process Model to discover the main struggles and problems of the users that lead them to fall into bad habits of procrastination. Define the areas where the help was more needed, and develop possible solutions as well as analyze current strategies of users. And finally deliver a prototype that will help them.

Before going into showing some of the process I must say that this project diferenciate from previous ones because of the intensive amount of research and different tecnics that I used in order to successfully develop the MVP.

Empathy Maps, Backlogs of ideas and problems, M.o.s.c.o.w Methodology , User personas, User Stories, User Journeys, Storyboarding and Sketches. Were also used during the whole process.

User Persona created based on insights and research

My initial assumptions in regard this topic were quickly taken down after the initial research that I conducted through interviews and surveys.

  • more than 80% of the people interviewed procrastinated on their weekly basics.
  • 90% of people that procrastinated, agreed that the more stressful or un pleasant was the task, the more they found excuses to postpone it.
  • Before deciding to leave a particular task for later. 54% felt anxious , 31.8% felt indiferent , and a 27.3% felt relaxed. But after; 54.5% felt anxious and 41% felt guilty. Only 4.5% were fine from procrastinating.

From the survey there were 2 particular insights that were quite interesting:

  • Only 65% of the people that conducted the survey saw procrastination as a bad thing. This automatically canceled one of my assumptions that pre-stated that the popular opinion of today society was that procrastination was bad and linked to lazyness.
  • In regards number of times they felt that they procrastenate a week. The percentage was as follow:
* 14.2% didn't remember the number of times they felt into postponing an activity

There were 4 main problems:

  • Users felt overwhelmed for the task & decided to do something easier.
  • Users punished themselves for not doing what they were supposed to do.
  • Users felt lost before starting the task & decided to postpone it.
  • Users lost track of the time they were spending in procrastinating.

Through a competitive analysis I tried to find out what mobile apps were there trying to solve this problems. And what main features used to address them.

Make lists, organize tasks, Pomodoro Tecnic, Goal reachment and reward were the most common features of the competitors and what users were expecting from this type of mobile apps.

With all this in mind a proposed solution was presented to be tested

A mobile app where a user would be able to add the tasks to be done for the day, input the difficulty of the task, priority and the general mood. With the help of Artificial intelligence and machine learning, the app will present an order of completion of the tasks and add breaks following the Pomodoro Tecnic.

Testing the initial Low fidelity prototype resulted in a better understanding of the user needs. Whole sections that were important for the user were missing and were later added to the mid fidelity. Other sections like the questions about the mood for each task were removed based on feedback.

The user flow was also put to a test as well as the design of each of the sections to understand if it was clear for the users.

Low Fidelity prototypes with possible user flow and sections.

While testing the mid fidelity prototype new problems and solutions appeared. Like how to snooze a task to be done at a later time, how to divide a complex task into small steps , or how the user could have a visual understanding of the goals met each weak and how to improve them.

Mid Fidelity Prototype with task list section, onboarding, and analitics

To design the Brand Identity and Style Tile for the app I went back to get inspiration from competitors and mobile apps related to wellness.


  • Due to the time constraint, there are some improvements that could be made in regards to the test interaction as well as the micro animations.
  • I deeper market research needs to be done to help the product differentiate more from the competitors as there is already an overpopulation of productivity applications that, as well, try solve the problem.

Thank you for reading!

If you want to know more about this project, feel free to contact me via Email or Connect with me on Linkedin



Javier L

Former Photographer and New York Hustler turned UXUI Designer.See some of my work at