Finding your Panic Monster 👹

Javed Khan
2 min readJun 23, 2022


Learned a new technique called Pomodoro (the Italian word for tomatoes 🍅 ) to make effective use of time ⏰. The ‘eternal procrastinator’ in me ( Watch this TED Talk 👉🏽 ) often delays a big task until the deadline is near, I mostly need my ‘ Panic Monster’ to get the job done. Here is a technique that I have been practicing to gather enough focus to get started:

The Pomodoro 🍅 Technique:

  • Technique recommends that the human brain remains focused in bursts of 25 mins each and then take a break of 5 mins between each Pomodoro. 4–5 Pomodoro’s in a day would indeed make you a superstar. We all crave that feeling of “getting something done” by the end of the day, don't we?
  • Pomodoro is an app that I have started using to practice this technique.
Pomodoro App
  • Remember, this is a template to remain focused, make it work for you. If 60 mins of uninterrupted time work for you, go for it!

Rise and Shine. Let me know if this works for you, or any other productivity tips that you use.



Javed Khan

In the pursuit of translating the imperfections of life into something beautiful….