The ‘Great Crypto Inquisition’

Brandon Elliott
5 min readFeb 12, 2019

In Cryptocurrency We Trust!

Why should anyone care about cryptocurrency?

That, is the question. For me, it matters because it represents “freedom money” for me and those I care about. The thought of the people having options other than banks has gotten the bankers scared to death. Since the banks own the governments, we see an unreasonable amount of “regulation” being thrown around, in the name of “protecting citizens”, “preventing terrorism”, and “preventing drug money laundering.”

Perhaps the last one has some merit for the IRS, because they want their tax dollars; but it’s less about the drugs and more about the money.

Through this experience of launching a crypto-focused startup; I have seen, first-hand, the lengths that the governments and the banks will go, to oppress disruptive startups that are not controlled by them and their buddies.

If you are not a “born into money and well-connected” sell-out, then you are unlikely to be “chosen” to be hailed as a “genius” for whatever “next great thing” THEY want to push on the populous. Don’t fall for it.

People only remember what the media tells them. Sure, OK, people. Go buy the stocks THEY tell you to buy. Be sure to HOLD them forever. Good luck with that. It’s ironic that those same people will…

