Object Oriented Programming- A Family Analogy

Jawad Ali
9 min readJan 1, 2023


Photo by saladscarf26 on FAVPNG

Four principles for instances


It is a quiet Sunday night, and Michael is working on a project for school that is due the next day. He’s been working hard the whole day to meet the deadline. Finally, Michael finishes the project and is excited and relieved. He’s already thinking of hitting the fridge and opening up that tub of ice-cream. He worked hard and he deserves it. He saves his work and goes to print it out, but to his dismay, he realizes that he’s out of printer ink.

Michael frantically searches through his supplies, hoping that he might find a spare, but it’s no use. He asks his dad for help and his dad, being the helpful person that he is, agrees to go out and get the supplies Michael needs. He tells his dad what he needs — the type of ink cartridge — and his dad sets off to get it for him. Michael doesn’t have to worry about the details of how his dad is going to get the stationary — he just knows that his dad will take care of it.

As Michael waits for the much needed supplies to arrive, his dad is taking care of the details. He’s just focused on the end result — having the ink cartridge he needs, so he can finally get the job done. The process of his dad going to the store, selecting the appropriate ink, and paying for it is abstracted from him. He doesn’t need to know how his dad is doing it — he just needs to know that his dad will get it done.

This is similar to the first principle of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), abstraction. In OOP, developers create abstractions by defining classes and objects that represent real-world concepts or processes. These classes and objects expose essential characteristics and behaviors, while hiding the details of their implementation. This allows developers to focus on the interface of the class or object, rather than the details of its implementation.

For example, consider a class called “InkCartridgeRetriever” that represents the process of retrieving stationary. The essential characteristics of this class might include the type of ink cartridge being retrieved (e.g. Canon, Epson), while its behaviors might include going to the store and paying for the stationary among other things. By abstracting away the details of how the ink cartridge is retrieved, purchased and transported, developers can make use of the InkCartridgeRetriever class in their programs to retrieve ink, without needing to know how it is implemented.

Eventually, Michael’s dad returns home with the supplies he needs, and Michael is able to finish his project on time. As he reflects on the experience, he realizes that abstraction played a crucial role in making it all possible. His dad was there for him, he took care of the details of getting the stationary, while Michael was able to focus on the end result — completing his project. And just like in OOP, this allows him to create a convenient and efficient solution to his problem.


One evening, as the sun was setting, Michael’s mom called him and his siblings to the table. She looked tired and a little frailer than usual, and Michael could sense that this was an important moment. She had been struggling since Dad passed away, and Michael knew that she was doing her best to hold everything together.

“I’m getting old,” she began, her voice cracking a little. “And I want to make sure that everything is in order before I go.” She explained that she had taken care of all of the important documents, including the will. She told Michael and his siblings about the estate, which included a house, a few rental properties, and some savings and investments.

Michael noticed that the only people present at the table were his immediate family and his mom didn’t bring this topic up while seated with his extended family. This information about the assets and estate could be considered an “object” that is encapsulated within the family unit. She is only sharing this information with Michael and his siblings and not disclosing it to the outside world.

In the context of object-oriented programming (OOP), encapsulation refers to the grouping of related data and behavior (methods) in a single unit. Encapsulation in OOP helps to improve the modularity, reusability, and security of the code, by allowing you to control access to the data and behavior of an object.

For example, we could imagine that Mom has a class called “Estate” that contains the following attributes (data) and methods (behavior):

  • assets (private attribute): a list of all of the assets in the estate (e.g., the house, rental properties, savings, investments)
  • balance (private attribute): the total value of the assets in the estate
  • calculate_assets_worth (private method): a method that calculates the total value of the assets in the estate
  • update_will (private method): a method that allows Mom to add/remove people, or modify the will

Because the attributes and methods are private, they can only be accessed from within the “Estate” class itself. This means that Mom can keep the details of the estate hidden from the outside world and only share them with the people she wants to.

“I want to make sure that all of this goes to you guys when I’m gone,” she said, looking at each of them in turn. “I know this is a lot to take in, especially after everything that’s happened with Dad. But I just wanted to make sure that you were all aware of everything. I love you guys, and I want you to be taken care of.”

With that, Michael’s family sat at the table, talking and reminiscing about all the good times they had shared. And even though there was a sense of sadness in the air, Michael knew that his mom had done everything she could to ensure a bright future for them all.


It’s a quiet Sunday afternoon, and Michael is sitting at the kitchen table with his siblings, going through his parents’ will. His parents have passed away, and they have left a clear and fair plan for distributing their assets among all of them.

According to the will, the house and all of the rental properties would be distributed appropriately among Michael and his siblings. In addition, they will each receive a share of their parents’ savings and investments. There is also money reserved to be given to charity. In other words, Michael and his siblings will inherit from the hard work that their parents have put in during their life, so things are easier for them as they build their own lives.

This scenario is a good example of inheritance in object-oriented programming (OOP). Just like how Michael and his siblings inherit the assets of their parents upon their passing, a child class in OOP inherits the characteristics and behaviors of its parent class. Just like now Michael and his siblings don’t have to get on the housing market from scratch, similarly, inheritance allows developers to create new classes that are based on existing ones, rather than starting from scratch. This makes it easier to reuse code and create more organized and efficient programs. It also allows developers to create a hierarchy of classes, with more specialized child classes inheriting from more general parent classes.

In OOP, inheritance is the mechanism by which a new class, known as the child class or subclass, is derived from an existing class, known as the parent class or superclass. The child class inherits the characteristics and behaviors of the parent class, as well as any additional characteristics and behaviors that are specific to the child class.

For example, consider a parent class called “Parent” that represents a generic person with characteristics such as name, age, and gender. A child class called “Child” could be derived from the Parent class using the following formula:

Child extends Parent

This means that the Child class will inherit all of the characteristics and behaviors of the Parent class, as well as any additional characteristics and behaviors specific to children.

Also, just as Michael’s parents won’t inherit from his children. Similarly in OOP, a parent class cannot inherit from the child classes. This is called the inheritance chain. The inheritance chain can continue for multiple levels, but it’s only uni-directional, with each subclass inheriting from its parent class. This allows for a hierarchical structure of classes, with common attributes and behaviors being defined in the superclass and specialized attributes and behaviors being defined in the subclass.

Inheritance is a useful tool for developers because it allows them to create a flexible and modular design for their programs, making it easier to add new features and functionality as needed. It is an important concept in OOP and is widely used in software development to create efficient and organized programs, and not having to reinvent the wheel.


The house that Michael inherited from his parents had a number of features, such as windows, doors, and a roof, and it also had a number of behaviors, such as opening and closing windows and doors, and keeping the interior of the house protected from the elements.

There was one issue though, the house was getting worn out, and Michael had noticed some signs of age, such as peeling paint and creaky floors. He also discovered some mould in the basement, which was a concern for the health and safety of his family.

Michael started by creating a plan for the renovations, which included repairs, adding an additional floor to the house and building a garage, to meet the needs of his growing family. He hired a team of contractors to help with the renovations, and they began by tearing down some walls and building a new garage.

Once the garage was complete, the contractors moved on to the main house. They started by addressing the mould issue, which involved removing the affected materials and treating the affected areas to prevent further growth. They also repaired any damaged areas of the house, such as the creaky floors and peeling paint.

As the renovations progressed, Michael began to see the house take on a new form. The additional floor and garage gave the house a completely different look and feel, and he was excited to see the final result.

Finally, the renovations were complete and Michael was able to move into his newly renovated house. The renovations provided him with much needed extra space, and he was thrilled with the final result. The house was now in a better condition, and more suited to his family needs.

This is similar to Polymorphism, which is an important principle of OOP. It refers to the ability of a single entity, such as a function or method, to exhibit multiple behaviors. The term “polymorphism” comes from the Greek words “polys,” meaning “many,” and “morphos,” meaning “form.” Thus, Polymorphism enables a function or a method to take multiple forms, giving developers the ability to choose the form that is appropriate for the behavior required.

In OOP, the example above is the equivalent of creating a new class called “RenovatedHouse” that inherits from the “House” class and overrides some of its methods. For example, override the “number_of_floors” method to return the new number of floors in the renovated house. Also overrides the “has_garage” method to return “True” and the “has_mould” method now returns “False”.

In this way, the “RenovatedHouse” class is taking on the form of the “House” class, but it has some additional features and behaviors that are specific to the renovated version of the house. This is an example of dynamic polymorphism, as the same entity (the house) can take on different forms (the original house and the renovated house) at runtime.

Dynamic polymorphism can be helpful for developers because it allows them to create a codebase that is flexible and extensible. By defining a base set of behaviors in the superclass and allowing subclasses to override or extend those behaviors as needed, developers can create a codebase that is easy to maintain, flexible and reuseable. This can save time and effort and make it easier to develop and maintain complex software systems.


In conclusion, the four main principles of OOP — abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, have more in common with a family unit than you may have thought. In modern software systems, these principles help create flexibility, reusability and efficiency.



Jawad Ali

With 5 years in tech, I delve beyond the surface. My insights empower readers to kindle passion & build robust IT systems. True depth drives innovation.