When You are a Kerala Christian Bride

Jawad Akhtar
3 min readAug 25, 2016


The God’s own country, Kerala, is a land of mixed cultures, religions and traditions. Being the main southern gateway to India since ancient times, this beautiful state of spices and beaches has been always welcoming towards people from various different cultures, religions and traditions. A cosmopolitan in true sense, people from mixed backgrounds came together in this land, and created a different culture of its own. All such circumstances have had a deep impact to the lives of the people of Kerala, including their traditions and religions.


Kerala is mainly inhibited by people of 3 prominent religions- Hindu, Islam and Christian. In many a ways, people belonging to these different sects have become adaptive to the culture and traditions. Marriage is no exception. When we talk about Kerala Christian community in particular, we notice that it is very different from its western counterparts. Followers of St. Thomas, these Christians are different in their own way. They are more Indian and still rooted to Indian cultures and traditions. This is what Kerala Christian matrimony so unique.

Talking in particular about the Kerala Christian brides, they look elegant and gorgeous in a spectacular way. An epitome of elegance, the Keralite Christian brides seem like a personified version of the fusion of Indian and Western cultures. Here are a few essentials that are a must have for the wedding trousseau of a Kerala Christian Bride:

· The pristine white saree: White color is considered pure and auspicious among Kerala Christians. So, the white wedding attire is a must have for Kerala bride. But rather than going in for frilly gowns, Kerala brides prefer our age old sarees. From traditional gold bordered white sarees to newer crystal cut ones, there are a lot of varieties available to choose from.

· Light Jewellary: Rather than going in for heavy set gold jewellary which is traditionally worn by Kerala brides, one can opt for lighter and more sophisticated versions. This completes the classy elegant look, which make Kerala brides look like a dream. You can choose from a wide variety from gold or platinum.

· Pastel make-up: Rather than going for loud and gaudy colors, Kerala Christian brides prefer a pastel make up, which is at its natural best. It is truly the make- up, which doesn’t look made up!

· The veil: A white transparent veil completes the look of a Kerala Christian bride. You can either have a separate veil atop your head or a hidden veil within the saree.

· The bouquet: A Kerala Christian bride must carry a small bunch of her favorite flowers when she walks down the aisle.

· A small purse or pouch: All brides must carry a small purse or pouch, with small touch up essentials during the wedding. This insures that you are always ready for the perfect photograph moments.

A Kerala Christian wedding is truly the coming together of eastern and western traditions. It is a special day for the bride, who starts a new journey towards more happiness in her life. So follow the given essentials to make your day all the more memorable.

