From Zero to Online Teaching Success

Jawaid H.
3 min readJul 6, 2024


Image by Freepik

Hannah sat at her small kitchen table, the only quiet spot in her bustling apartment, staring at her laptop screen. Bills were piling up, and she needed a solution. Having been laid off from her job as a barista, she was desperate for a new source of income. Her thoughts kept circling back to her love for languages and her knack for teaching, even if her experience was informal. Maybe, she mused, this could be her ticket out of financial stress.

Determined, Hannah dove into research about online teaching platforms. After a few hours, she stumbled upon VIPKid, a platform that connected English teachers with students in China. Although she lacked formal teaching credentials, she decided to give it a try. With her warm personality and clear enunciation, she hoped she could make an impression.

The application process was rigorous. She had to pass several interviews, record a teaching demo, and navigate through heaps of paperwork. But Hannah was relentless. She spent hours preparing, setting up a small corner of her living room with bright posters, educational toys, and a whiteboard. She practiced her teaching demo until she could deliver it flawlessly in her sleep.

Finally, the email came: she was accepted. Hannah was overjoyed, but the real challenge was just beginning. Her first few classes were nerve-wracking. She taught early mornings to accommodate the time difference with China, often waking up at 4 a.m. Her students ranged from energetic toddlers to shy teenagers, each requiring a different approach.

Hannah’s initial reviews were mixed. Some parents loved her engaging style, while others were critical of her inexperience. But she didn’t let this discourage her. She spent her evenings watching tutorials, joining online teacher communities, and learning from seasoned educators. Slowly but surely, her skills improved.

Within a month, Hannah had a small but steady stream of regular students. She built rapport with each child, making lessons fun with songs, games, and interactive activities. Her patience and creativity began to pay off. Parents left glowing reviews, praising her ability to make their children love learning English.

Word spread, and soon Hannah’s schedule was fully booked. She was teaching three to four hours every morning, earning well over her initial goal. With her newfound income, she paid off her bills, set up a proper home office, and even treated herself to a new laptop. But more than the financial relief, she found immense satisfaction in her work.

Hannah’s success didn’t stop there. Encouraged by her achievements, she expanded her teaching repertoire. She started offering private lessons through platforms like Wyzant, specializing in conversational English for adults. Her warm and encouraging teaching style attracted professionals seeking to improve their English for business.

Her income soared to $1,000 per month and beyond. Hannah used some of her earnings to enroll in a formal TEFL certification course, further enhancing her credibility and opening up even more opportunities. She created a personal website, marketing herself as a versatile language tutor, and launched a YouTube channel with free English lessons, attracting even more students.

From struggling with unpaid bills to becoming a successful online teacher, Hannah’s journey was a testament to the power of determination and adaptability. She transformed her passion for teaching into a thriving business, all from the comfort of her home. As she sipped her morning coffee, no longer stressed about finances, she couldn’t help but smile. Her hard work had paid off, and she had created a new, fulfilling career from scratch.



Jawaid H.

Sharing stories about Nutritional wellness, Education, and the Urdu language. I also teach Urdu conversation and can be contacted at