Eat that FROG with A POMODORO

Jaweria Munsif
2 min readOct 25, 2019


I am writing this blog to share my experience about this amazing activity EAT THAT FROG WITH A POMODORO.


The technique named EAT THAT FROG WITH A POMODORO is a productivity technique used to complete our daily tasks.

To apply this technique follow the following points

1:Decide the task to be done.

2:Set the timer for 25 minutes.

3:Work on that task until the timer rings. If you get distract then write that reason on the paper and get back to the work.

4: After the timer rings mark a tick on paper and take rest for 3–5 minutes. You can also treat yourself with a candy .

5: Repeat steps 1–4 untill you got 4 ticks on paper.

6: After that you can take longer break for 15–20 minutes.



This experiment was one of my superb experiences. I choose to review my IMMUNOLOGY subject lectures. It seemed difficult at first . I faced lots of distractions like hunger pangs, my favourite tv show, shopping but at last I did it.

After doing this technique I felt energized and feels like I done a great job.

The break was so refreshing and by using this technique I didn’t feel tired at all. I am planning to do this on a daily basis.

