It’s The Jax

Jax Rhapsody
6 min readJul 25, 2018


I know, kinda a crappy title but there’s reason behind it. As my first article I figure I could speak on my behalf and get you going down the same road I drive on, allowing you to have a bit more insight on reading my subsequent stories, articles, what have you. Something that’ll take you further in your decision than mere tags and catchy titles, whatever schemes writers here do to get that side money. Not to say I don’t want it- I do. Simply on good honest merit, though. They say give the people what they want. They say the people don’t know what they want. How do you know what you want if you don’t just do it? Read it? Eat it? Otherwise what you have is what you’re used to. I’m going to do my best not to just give you what you want to read, the same ‘ol stuff you click on Facebook or whatever, but what you would want to read and hopefully in a way it’s worth reading.

So the title. I’ve been on the internet a long time by a few names. I’ve yet to run in to the same people I knew from the old days, but lemme know if you remember these names; TechnicJayman, GhettoGurillaGorilla, GreaseMonkey, GhettoSovereign, Domineuece, gimme a shout out. A few I remember. Back when I was on the MSNChat days of the early 00’s. Back when Myspace was the shit and I was in the messageboards. When people actually used Blackplanet. I wanted two things; an internet persona and to be known web wide. So I needed something consistant. I went with J.Rhapsody to Jax Rhapsody. My eNeighbourhood was still small and erratic, being on a few car boards, local to me sites, some anime sites, few porn sited and commenting on random blogs. When I joined a site, such as a messageboard I always made an introductory thread titled… “It’s da Jax!” I don’t know why, it seemed to give that I was rather exciting, never really thought about it. I wonder how many results there’d be if the phrase was googled.

If you’ve made it this far; yay for you(yay me too). If you…what is it they do… clap this? You’ll win a few innerwebz. So I guess this is the first of a series of articles that will be follow ups elaborating on some of the things that make me, me. For starters; I’m from and live in Louisville Kentucky. I hope one day to be somebody worth while, maybe have myself on a poster hung from one of the buildings like the other hometown heros.

That would be 20/20s and GMA’s Diane Sawyer. Pic from We’re more than delicious bourban, baseball bats, bluegrass(which isn’t actually blue, but if left alone grows flowers that are blue), hot browns, and that damn Churchill Downs. We are the first to transplant an artificial heart… successfully. I want to be that, the random thing that makes people go; “…louisville, huh?” and Louisvillians to go; “he’s from louisville born and raised,” or “I knew him.” I don’t want to be rich, just well known.

I’m black. I’m not what you would think to be your average, stereotypical, typecast ghetto hoodboy. I do live in the hood, grew up in the hood, sadly back in the hood I grew up in. I never fit in with all that. Even when I tried. I didn’t fit in at school at all. I found myself wrapped up in cartoons, anime, drawing, cars. I’m a metalhead, a rocker mostly. A little bit of EDM and any rap I listen to is roughly two-thousand-two and older, unless it’s raps number one supervillian; M.F. DOOM. There’s some not so mainstream rappers I’m finding too.

Not straight. Pansexual. We exist. Just because the news hasn’t done a special or whatever doesn’t mean we don’t. Also very polyamorous. Just one big greedy deviant, huh? It just happened to be that way, I have theories why. I’m an asshole, had to be back in the day, even if I didn’t the cause was my enviroment so it was like an evolutionary thing. Wouldn’t Darwin be proud. No I’m not that guy in Dennis Learys song(awesome song by the way) but… meh. At least I’m a nice one… or have the propensity to be so. I always wear sunglasses. It just is. Just too cool for school. Been doing it for years, so it’s like trademark and as much as I love the sun, it sucks to see in without them. Speaking of my good friend, serving up two scoops of summertime goodness; I love the heat. Anything under seventy degrees is too fucking cold. I use profanity a lot too. Anywayz. I love summer and being hot, behold the glory of the sun, let it consecrate you in it’s beams of glory. I don’t and cannot do cold. If ya don’t like it, you’re wrong.

Let’s see. Hmmm. I’m an anarchist, I was apart of the Occupy Movement. Oh I’m sure you don’t know what it is. Simply a small quaint protest that started at Wallstreet NYC back in 2009 or 10, had occupation camps nearly all over the country and other countries demanding a government reform, that lasted about two years, to which Wallstreet and my very own Occupy Louisville were the last two standing that summer. Yep *pulls up pants matter-of-factly*. I want to be known as I said. My writings formost, after that; I guess my art, then I have loads of ideas, some of which others beat me to the punch, but I still have things to be patented. I’ve thought about my own restraunt, clothing line, making bikes, make music, have my own garage. See money and fame is not my goal, but I’d like to live comfortably, I want to insure the future of my two sons, if I’m ever to be in their lives again.

I should probably wrap this up. I’m an avid smoker, I do like to drink. I’m kinda running out of things to talk about, too. My dream goals are to sell books, race professionally, maybe have a restraunt/food truck, buy and sale property, gain a few acres for myself to build my own house on. Not too mention provide truely affordable housing that I know at least my city desperately needs. Ummm… I love pizza… and that’s it.

I might write some things you don’t like, all that means is either I or the topic at hand just isn’t for you. It’s okay, not everybody can handle the all encompassing alternative thing that is me. I’ll be posting here, though. Balancing it with my other blogs and whatnot. I may forget, I may not have time, but I won’t give up. Hopefully… just hopefully I can move some people, make them think, and get closer to fixing my precious 2008 Crown Victoria Police Interceptor, realistic dream car. No I have no shame…



Jax Rhapsody

I am the one and only Jax Lazzo Rhapsody. From Louisville, Ky. "I'm going to live forever, or die trying." -Groucho Marx | Twitter/TikTok/Youtube @ItsDaJax