REOS on a quest to help content creators generate the true value of their content

Jay Cheng
2 min readJun 25, 2018


Last week we were in the streets of Taiwan interviewing people, asking them whether or not they are willing to pay for the content that brings them joy and information.

Here’s the video:

Without any surprises, most people gave us positive feedback in regards to supporting the content creators they love.

We spent the past 8 months speaking and working with content creators trying to understand what we can do to help them monetize the content they create. The reality is that even with a substantial fan base, they do not make significant income, if any at all. These are the tier-3, 4, 5 KOLs who even though have the passion to create quality content, they have to work day jobs and are unable to devote their time to doing what they love. As a supporter and a person with a failed music career (OK, this is a story for another future post), I really want to find ways to help them gain what they deserve.

I am sure I don’t have to get into details as to where all the advertising revenue goes when we watch “free content” online, and why these people are not making money after devoting themselves to creating the content we enjoy. This is the inequality we’re trying to change, and we believe we’re doing what’s right. With content creators making the money they deserve through their content, we consumers will benefit from an abundance of good quality content to choose from.

To become part of the REOS community and support our mission to help small content creators monetize their content, you can start by following our channels and helping us spread the word:

Telegram (11k+ members and growing!):


