Install Single Node Kafka Cluster on Windows and Test it!

Jaya Aiyappan
3 min readAug 7, 2022



  1. Download and setup KAFKA_HOME
  2. Start Zookeeper
  3. Start Kafka Server
  4. Create a Kafka topic
  5. Run Consumer Client
  6. Run Producer Client and write events
  7. Read the event on the Consumer

Download and setup KAFKA_HOME

Download Kafka binary from

If you have already installed spark on your system, download the scala version that Spark uses.

To check the version od Scala you have on your local system:

Use the below steps to find the spark version.

  1. cd %SPARK_HOME%/bin.
  2. Launch spark-shell command.

Untar → Extract → Copy the folder to a location and set the KAFKA_HOME environment variable to that location.

Add Kafka Binary to Path variable

Start Zookeeper

Open a terminal and run the below command

zookeeper-server-start.bat %KAFKA_HOME%/config/

Wait till you see the below highlighted text

Start Kafka Server

Open another terminal session and run:

kafka-server-start.bat %KAFKA_HOME%/config/

Create a Kafka topic

To create a topic, open another terminal session and run:

kafka-topics.bat --create --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Run Consumer Client

Run the console consumer client to read the events

kafka-console-consumer.bat --topic quickstart-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Run Producer Client and write events

Open a new terminal and run the console producer client to write a few events into your topic.

kafka-console-producer.bat --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Read the event on the Consumer

On the consumer terminal, you should see the messages almost immediatly

You can stop the consumer client with Ctrl-C at any time.


