Love Of A Superconscious Person

From the magical spell to the warning bell

The Third Eye
2 min readDec 13, 2021
Image credit: DALL-E 3

Can a psychiatrist really love? Or, for that matter an extremely super conscious and super sensitive person? Or if it happens can it be of a permanent nature?

People say love is blind.

Whereas that is certainly true to a great extent and for some time, until one returns to one’s self after the initial spell which casts a magic on nearly everyone, and which tantamounts to a heavenly experience, it is also a fact there are people who are very very conscious and can see and experience everything from some distance, as if, as an outside observer or as an immediate observer from very close range — even slightly detached from that very reality where he is almost completely immersed.

It is in this context of a very very sensitive and conscious human being, having great natural understanding of emotions and deeds, the question of such a unique relationship becomes so special. This may indeed make for an interesting study.

A psychiatrist being an expert in reading a person, may be equally alert in the relationship itself, even if, he may not be doing the same consciously: even if, the relation is a very spontaneous one, as each and every love-relation is, as it happens with other normal human beings, with all their follies and foibles, excitement, passion and truthfulness, and also some degree of limitations.

Yet, sometimes it may so happen that some of those peculiarities, falsity or other such traits may glaringly peep through the mind of the psychiatrist to make him conscious and alert and be on guard.

And, once he becomes that , is it really possible to carry on with the relation the same way before?

© Jayanta



The Third Eye

Poet |Writer |Thinker |Dreamer |Problem Solver | Writes about #god #life #death #reality #spirituality #love #sex #relationships #nature #pets #wellness