Jay Barkman
1 min readJan 24, 2017


All good points and first off I don’t believe Trump supporters are racist or bigots. So let me just get that out there.

The frustrating thing is part your defense is we shouldn’t paint Trump supporters with a “broad brush” because look at all these example of the “liberal agenda.” The bathroom bill was in one state and millions didn’t march this past weekend for Black Lives Matter. This election wasn’t about some random 20 year old in Michigan.

It was about the DACA kids and others I know that are here just because they wanted a better life. I and millions of liberals didn’t vote based on our interests. I, like your family from what you describe, am doing relatively well. If Trump cuts taxes, funds childcare tax credits, or spends on infrastructure I will benefit. Best case scenario that is all he does and the rest was just talk to get in power.

Also, not sure what state your mom lives but in California, where Obamacare is being run like it should, to be paying $900 a month she would have to have an income of about $100,000. I ran the numbers on the California Exchange for a 63 year old, high user of health care, living in a rural area.

