Implementation of the Redis Cache in the.NET Core API

Jaydeep Patil
7 min readJun 19, 2022


We are going to discuss Caching in .NET Core and How it works. So, we look at the following things one by one.

  • Introduction of Caching
  • What is Cache
  • Types of cache
  • Cache Implementation

So, Let’s start one by one.


Caching is very popular nowadays in the software industry because it will improve the performance and scalability of the application, as we use and see many web applications like g-mail and Facebook and how responsive they are and great user experience while we using that. There are a lot of users using the internet and if an application has huge network traffic and demand and due that we need to take care of many things which help us to improve the performance and responsiveness of the application. So, because of that, there is one of the solutions is caching and that’s why caching comes into the picture.

What is Caching?

The cache is the memory storage that is used to store the frequent access data into the temporary storage, it will improve the performance drastically and avoid the unnecessary database hit and store frequently used data into the buffer whenever we need it.

As you see in the above image there are two scenarios one is without using cache and another is with cache and how it works, So here when we do not use the cache, in that case, suppose users want data then they will hit each time database and it will increase the time complexity and reduce performance in case there is some static data users want and it is same for all user, in that case when we do not use cache then each one hit the unnecessary database to fetch data and on the other side as you can see we use cache and in that case if there same static and same data for all users then only the first user will hit the database and fetch data and store it into the cache memory and then other two users used that from the cache without unnecessarily hit database to fetch data.

Types of Cache

Basically, there are two types of caching .NET Core supports

  1. In-Memory Caching
  2. Distributed Caching

When we use In-Memory Cache then in that case data is stored in the application server memory and whenever we need then we fetch data from that and use it wherever we need it. And in Distributed Caching there are many third-party mechanisms like Redis and many others. But in this section, we look into the Redis Cache in detail and how it works in the .NET Core

Distributed Caching

  • Basically, in the distributed caching data are stored and shared between multiple servers
  • Also, it’s easy to improve scalability and performance of application after managing the load between multiple servers when we use multi-tenant application
  • Suppose, In the future, if one server is crashed and restarted then the application does not have any impact because multiple servers are as per our need if we want

Redis is the most popular cache which is used by many companies nowadays to improve the performance and scalability of the application. So, we are going to discuss Redis and usage one by one.

Redis Cache

  • Redis is an Open Source (BSD Licensed) in-memory Data Structure store used as a database.
  • Basically, it is used to store the frequently used and some static data inside the cache and use and reserve that as per user requirement.
  • There are many data structures present in the Redis which we are able to use like List, Set, Hashing, Stream, and many more to store the data.

Installation of Redis Cache

Step 1)

Download the Redis Server using the following URL

Step 2)

Extract the zip file and later on open the Redis Server and Redis CLI

Implementation of Redis Cache using .NET Core API

Step 1)

Create the .NET Core API Web Application

Step 2)

Install the following NuGet Packages which need step by step in our application


Step 3)

Create the Model folder and create one Product Class inside that with details

Step 4)

Next, Create the DbContextClass Class for Database related operations as I showed below

Step 5)

Now, we are going to create ICacheService Interface and CacheService Class for Redis Cache-related usage.

Next, Create CacheService Class

Step 6)

Create the ProductController class create the following method as shown below

Step 7)

Add the SQL Server connection string and Redis URL inside appsetting.json

Step 8)

Next, Register the ICacheService inside Configure Service method of Startup Class and also add some configuration related to Swagger to test our API endpoints

Step 9)

Create one ConfigurationManger Class to configure app setting over there

Step 10)

Next, Create Connection Helper Class for Redis Connection

Step 11)

Perform Migration and Database Update for DB Creation using the following commands in Package Manager Console.

add-migration “FirstMigration”update-database

So, when you enter and execute this command it will generate a few things related to migration and create the database inside SQL Server as you put inside Connection String in the appsetting.json

Step 12)

Finally, run the application and add the data using swagger UI and then check how caching works inside products and product endpoint.

Basically, I added cache into the product and products endpoints in the controller, as you see when the user wants to fetch data of all products then firstly it will check whether the data is present inside the Redis Cache or not and if it’s present inside the cache then return that data to the user and if the data is not present inside the cache, then it will fetch the data from database and also, set that into the cache. So next time user will get that from cache only and avoid hitting the database unnecessarily

Also, when the user wants to fetch data from by using product id as you see in the controller in product second endpoint, we fetch data from cache of all products then filter using product id and if that will present then return to user from cache and not then fetch from database and return to the user after applying the filter.

So, as you see inside the update, delete and post endpoint of the Product Controller then we use the remove method to remove the data of the product key which is present inside the cache. So, there are many scenarios and use of memory caches you can use as per your need and requirements. I just want to introduce the basics of the Redis Cache and How it works inside the .NET Core that I covered here.

Also, there is one scenario you need to take care of while using caching like suppose, there are two users using your application then the following scenarios will come

  • When the First User sends the request to fetch the data of all products then the first request comes and then it will check if the data is present inside the cache or not and if the data is present inside the cache, then it will fetch the data from and database and also set it to the cache.
  • Meanwhile, the Second user sends the request to get the product details then what happened is that request also hits the database before completing the first user’s request and because of that second user also hit the database to fetch product details.
  • So, there is one solution for this to use the Lock Mechanism as shown below

Create this private object of lock on top of the class

private static object _lock = new object()

Next, Modify the Get method as I showed below

public IEnumerable<Product> Get()
var cacheData = _cacheService.GetData<IEnumerable<Product>>("product");
if (cacheData != null)
return cacheData;
lock (_lock)
var expirationTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(5.0);
cacheData = _dbContext.Products.ToList();
_cacheService.SetData<IEnumerable<Product>>("product", cacheData, expirationTime);
return cacheData;

So here as you see first, we check if the data is present inside the cache or not if data is available then return that. Next, if the value is not present in the Redis cache, then we apply the lock over there and then the request is locked and entered into the section and fetch the product details from the database, and then also set it to the cache and then returns the data. So, what happened when the second user sends a request before the user one’s request is complete. So, in that case, the second request is in the queue and after completing the first user request the second request comes into the picture

Also, you can see key details which already present inside Redis using Redis CLI as shown below

So, here you can see there are many commands which provide us information about keys that are present in the Redis Cache.

This is all about Redis Cache in .NET Core. I hope you understand things related to that.

Happy Coding!



Jaydeep Patil

Full Stack Developer | .Net Core API | Angular | SQL Server | Docker | Azure | Python