The Most Effective Method I Used To Fix My Potbelly.
Most gurus overcomplicate it, and I'm here to tell you it's beyond simple.
It transformed everything I knew.
I lost 56+ pounds in 8 months and have maintained abs since, proof here.
I'm not saying this to "thirst trap" or "try and get laid", as a few commenters put it, but rather to add substance to our discussion. I've tried everything: Paleo, Keto, 5/2, Vegan, skipping breakfast, you name it.
They never worked for me, and each time I was back at square one, it felt like I was smashing my forehead against a squat rack.
It stemmed from those diets, which required me to cut out certain food groups which were too restrictive. Life's everyday events, like unexpected dinner invitations or weekends away, would slap my diet around like a wet fish.
Those approaches don't suit the real world.
Everything changed once I used this standard method for losing weight but added some key ingredients. When I did, the results were like magic.
Strap in tight, and let's get into it.